Is Any Forums full of basement dwelling incels or mass murderers?

Please excuse my ignorance. The narrative keeps shifting.

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Apparently; Any Forums is a bunch of virgin losers when nothing is happening, and then a bunch of hardass cold blooded terrorists when something happens.

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The narrative seems to consider Any Forumsacks to be harmless enough to mock and shill nonstop, at least. And an incel.

her daughter was captured by me the incel

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You're mixing us up with read it again

you'll find out soon enough

In the name of national security the corporation of the United States built racist and LGBTQP agenda to keep the people fighting with eachother so that the rich Bankers and Hedgies can continue fleecing the Middle class American. That what all this is its National Security games paid for by our tax dollars. They are lying to us all and cheating us right up the ass. These retarded glow niggers and typical beat cops think they're some real hero's. Its all just so pathetic

Why is the government full of self-centered, self-righteous, violent, greedy extortionists that know no limits, and will leave no stone unturned? Why is the government so self-entitled? Why does the government extort, tax, imprison and kill? Why does the government want to force you to do anything? Why does the government want to ban and regulate everything? Why can't the government ever turn a blind eye? Why do they call themselves public SERVENTS, why do they claim to practice public SERVICE, why do police say they protect and SERVE? Why is the government so strict? Why are you asking stupid questions user?

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The narrative is that the Jews are behind it all.

Sneed is full of feed and also seed

its full of people. people can be anything.

(Keyword)is potential so...
(Keyword)technically no

The narrative is that it's all the Jews' fault.

I'll buy that sculpture and put it on a main park of a major city, heavily guarded to protect it against simps and roast beef just to remind everyone of the absurdity of our era


its mostly antiwhite jews

>Any Forums
First, you're an idiot, and have no business here if you're too lazy to lurk other boards. Second, Any Forums consists mostly of bored Boomers, and kikes who hate them.
Everything else you're heard is a lie.


>The narrative keeps shifting
Not that much. When someone runs amok, we are all basement dwelling white supremacist murderous incels.
At other times we are basement dwelling white supremacist incels.

Yea pretty much, just because someone is a loser doesn’t mean they aren’t right about some stuff though.

I'm not privileged to have a basement

It's actually full of Christian crusaders, but shhh.

Im a black transwoman the crossposts Any Forums and Any Forums

Itchy & Scratchy are bait posts. Do not respond to them. It only fuels Soros/Dishon fantasies which have 0 to do with me.

Just like Moot who has 0 legal patent.