Glowfallo Shooter

>Be this retarded faggot
>Copy and paste the manifest of (((Brenton Tarrant))) and only change "Merkel" to "Soros"
>Say Any Forums opened your eyes to the fact that Jews control everything and want to end the white race
>Drive 300km to a random supermarket
>Shoot a white woman as soon as you get out of the car
>Make your country take another risk of a race war

Was this guy retarded?

Attached: Le glow in da Dark.jpg (149x249, 3.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He spent too many years on reddit and not enough on Any Forums

Because he was groomed by the Azov battalion of Ukraine. Note the use of the black sun logo, just like the Christchurch shooter. He actually traveled to Ukraine to be trained there by the azov neo nazis. Both use the same logo.

Attached: 1652661876973.jpg (1920x1200, 640.51K)

its not even a risk of race war, isis had way more deadly terrorist attacks and nothing changed. terrorist attacks are extremely in effective in the grand sceme, its the sign of a political ideology getting desperate. real big dick shit is taking government positions, which none have done, which is a lot harder then picking up a gun and playing gta irl

I explain here:

Attached: 1594681219874.png (1062x1500, 641.59K)

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they are people too no?

Attached: not pol.png (720x1003, 357K)

>Was this guy retarded?
just another jewish actor

his lil bro has a jewfro, whole family glows

Attached: 1646613080526.png (1399x1035, 2.15M)

only way i can explain this "which happened during na too" is that perhaps its shopped to make him look scarier for more public shock


It'sa jewish symbol.

also, armand his handler put him up to it

Attached: EDA96C4A-DD9C-40EA-A483-6276F67D08B3.jpg (807x806, 122.22K)

He is 3 different persons.

This. Pretty sure all modern "nazis" are Jew controlled. Explains why Azov has jew commanders and serves an openly jewish leader. Also explains their subhuman lack of ethics and scheming.

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Reminds me of hortler

Attached: 1649215706799.png (603x439, 355.19K)

I'm going to tell every normie I meet about the USS Liberty

Yeah. It is. Death to all jews.

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>Was this guy retarded?
Yeah.. it's a literal patsy; that's what a patsy is.

Attached: 1652196394228.gif (378x498, 2.7M)
