Is gun control really such a bad idea?

Is gun control really such a bad idea?

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You're ot going to get an unbiased answer here. This board is chalk full of paranoid retards who feel threatened by literally everything so they "need" to have their toys.

Yes. You're only looking at gun deaths which is an arbitrary and moronic statistic. Getting stabbed to death is not better than getting shot. Suicide by gun is not relevant to gun crime.

Over the same period in the 90s, Australia did a major gun buyback while the USA expanded gun rights, here is what happened to the murder rate in both countries.

Attached: 1532046837667.png (1200x974, 176.77K)

founding fathers 400 fucking years ago already knew that historically biggest threat to individual is their own government. that is the reason they put in the gun law in place. that is the reason for multiple other checks and balances in the system. yes. gun control is a bad idea if you don't want to wake up in a fucking soviet russia one day all of a sudden.

>no gun ban in america
>rate still fell

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Also the fall in australian began BEFORE the gun ban. Explain that gun grabbers.


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Having access to guns means people kill more because now any coward can shoot someone from a distance. Notice you never hear about somebody stabbing 200 people at a concert

also it's fucking ironic that graph is related to australia. if they still had guns, covid bullshit psyop (done by media and politicians) wouldn't look like a fucking concentration camp size of a fucking country.

So why didn’t it drop to zero after the ban?

>Having access to guns means people kill more because now any coward can shoot someone from a distance
Based I double love guns now

It's a bad idea.

And the best way to do it is to give everyone a gun.

Funny coming from countries that treated their people like worthless cattle under the guise of a protecting them from a virus.

Yes. Government should not have a monopoly on the use of force.

>Is gun control really such a bad idea?

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Good to know there's no tyranny in America thanks to all your guns! Joe Biden must be doing a great job

So. it made no difference?
This is the leaded gasoline thing again isn't it?

>And the best way to do it is to give everyone a gun.
This. I'll agree to universal health care when I have free guns from the government every month

The problem is the people. Switzerland has most guns per capita, but negligible gun deaths.
And let’s be honest, the sort of people who shoot other people malevolently have ways of getting illegal guns.

While this graph does get the point across, I would still argue against using it because it accepts the premise that "gun deaths" is a good statistic to use. Total homicide rate is what matters.

For example, let's examine two different scenarios:
>A) gun deaths go up, total homicides go down
>B) gun deaths go down, total homicides go up

Which scenario is preferable? Of course anyone reasonable is going to say "A" because less people are getting murdered. The opinion always follows the trend of the total homicide rate, "gun deaths" has no bearing on the reality of the situation, it's a propaganda term used to push a specific viewpoint and obfuscate useful data.

>places with heavy gun control = strictest lockdowns and mandates
>places with little gun control = least lockdowns and mandates
The usual lack of understanding, as expected. You can pretend it doesn't matter all you want.

Fair enough. How's this graph?

Attached: 1646828771607.png (500x332, 12.47K)

The USA is #1 in gun ownership and roughly #60 in homicide rate, there is no correlation between guns and murders. You need to go cope elsewhere.

Attached: homicide rate.png (705x555, 141.61K)

>all the countries in green have stricter gun control laws
Really makes me think

other than the fact that it's hard to read? better.
The ideal image would be something like pic related, but updated (this is years old and out of date) and with a better gradient.

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poland map is wrong, lots and lots of homicides in poland are made to look like suicides, they supposedly have 10x higher suicide rates than countries around them kek

plenty of the red countries have stricter gun control laws than the USA, how do you explain that?

>noooo you have to compare us to Brazil and the Central African Republic not Europe, Australia and Canada
Choos your copes wisely mutt

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If you say so, that only helps my argument though, if other countries are more murderous then that might push the USA even lower on the murder list despite easily being #1 on the gun ownership per capita list

It encourages more enslavement, so of course it is. You have to be really fucking stupid to not even consider this.

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this just proves abbos aren't as bad as blacks

For you.

gun control is an excellent idea

it means being able to hit the target accurately and under lots of stress


op is a faggot

You asserted that gun ownership was the relevant factor here, now you're claiming "it's different"in these other countries? Can you explain this? Why are gun laws the only relevant difference between the USA and Europe? Why did homicide rates fall quicker in the USA during a period of reduced gun control than they did in Australia during a period of increased gun control?

explain this graph:

yes. fuck off idiot. go back.

I want a level action. Should I get a Marlin, Henry, Winchester, or Rossi?
My brother has a Marlin so I'm leaning towards something different.

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