He's got you there

He's got you there

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>if you believed in equality?
Yeah, about that...

>Twitter screencap thread

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Jank is a fucking literal t*rk

The only thing roaches have on me is surviving WW3

No right thinking person believes in equality.

Some people are simply better than others. This is true on an individual level, as it is on a racial level.

If everyone is equal why are democrats trying to make whites a minority?

>foreigner doesn't mind white people being replaced


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equality? so, if we make the nba just 13% black, there will be no outrage, right?

We built our countries you fucking scum. No you are not equal, build your own fucking country or stfu.

I don't believe in equality sis.

He’s way more brown than most of them

>He's got you there
You can't be a racist if you believe in equality.

Equality is a myth. Does anyone with a 100+ IQ actually believe equality is real?

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How come Cenk is so bad at getting attention? Is it because he is so obviously desperate for it? Are his masculine looks too incongruent with his bitch-like opinions and feminine mannerisms? Is he simply not intelligent enough to have notable opinions?

Seems like every time I see his name pop up he's just failing to game the algorithm again.

They aren't equal tho. Those groups depend upon the White man to survive. Without forced welfare, and the thousand other subsidy programs, they'd literally perish. Whites aren't willingly paying black bills. The government forces them. Whites should defund blacks.

I'm a minority and if these idiots think this country will be the same without white people they must look at the world with a willing suspension of disbelief

There's no such thing as equality that's fiction. Why are there competitions of any kind with stats if there's equality?

If they’re already so great and equal to us, why the fuck do they need to come here? Shouldn’t their homelands look like ours if they were equal?