>chinamen are bas-

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The reason why I want to ban all firearms and go back to pre-World War II gun laws, is because it's the most effective way to keep niggers from killing each other.

chinese girl here living in eu
we are in fact based thanks sir

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Why are you on pol?

Sounds stupid and short sighted

i just lurk and rarely post, sometimes i post chinese news

>I know that this is a shitty slide thread but I still want to reply.



So you're not Chinese then, fucking larper.

You guys are idiots.

We have to stop this madness, not to save the lives of people like you, but to save the lives of our own children.

This is not about guns. This is about a generation of kids growing up with their heads up their ass and their mouths full of hormones.

It is a mental health crisis, not a gun problem.

What do you mean?

There's nothing wrong with this picture.

i dou not understand your schizoposting


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Show tits and mei mei

It's Chinese slang retard. Any actual speaker would know it. Christ you're insufferable. But please, continue with your larp, retard.

It's a larp, user.

Is your pussy slanted?

Dunno plenty of chink prc girls in Europe my ex is one tell that bitch to give me back my Sony camera

They don't even speak Chinese, didn't understand my basic Chinese slang, and has dissappeared from the thread. Its a larp. There's no Chinese women on this board. Maybe some Filipino or Latinas.

>There's no Chinese women on this board.

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