He wins

>he wins

then what?

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>then what?
Then he dies.

Mass suicides in DC and Israel followed by a legit alien disclosure?

4 more years of bitching about America going to shit. 4 more years of psy ops and false flags. 4 more years of the same shit we see now but with lower fuel prices.

>we already massively won in 2020
>was overthrown
Don't see a solution unless USA country friendly glowies and the army step in and defend what's left from the rest of the USA

Then the real fight begins


I'm sure the democrats won't cheat this time

was going to make the thread "reinstated" but that won't happen. but, if it did, then what?

Short answer. Correct answer.

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>trump wins
>we mine salt with 150 ton mine cars and 50 ton excavators.

Becomes the second president to serve two non-consecutive terms.


Gas prices go down

it's not his decision to run, the RNC is not going to put someone who lost to Biden as their pick.

>Gas prices go down
I could see oil tanking 50% on election night as the polls come in.

Hot damn that's what I'm gonna do.
Short oil the day before the election.

Crypto becomes super valuable again? North Korea becomes a USA state? Quarterly $5,000 checks for life? A nuclear test goes awry and Seattle goes boom!

Well duh what are u new

low gas prices that's it?

Media will shun him majorly from ANY coverage & treat him from the start as some sort of fringe candidat, puting the spotlight on some other R with maximum possible coverage. I got this third hand from a friend in the US just a few days ago. Apparently these where the first talks on 2024 from roughly the same group of people as in 2020.

Apparently they figured that any kind of coverage, even negative one, is good for Trump and they will put a complete halt to that.

make america great again again

You’re a stupid turkroach who doesn’t know a fucking thing about what you’re talking about. Kill yourself immediately.

Jared and Ivanka will further enrich themselves

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Things get worse. The gop spend the next four years rewriting law so that there will never be a fair election again. Rights get quickly eroded in favor of Church doctrine. The Church and state will combine forces and defeat democracy. 2nd amendment rights will be terminated in favor of permission only purchases. We can’t have just any non GOP party member out there arming themselves to the teeth

He will go full autocrat and have all dissenters beheaded.

I know the truth is tough and brutal for you, especially after you lost your country in broad daylight (because you are too big of a faggots to take up arms and start killing domestic communists) and now get brainwashed that everything is ok and biden is a totally legit president. When half the globe knows this guy couped his way in by undeniable conspirative organized election fraud.

Honestly you‘re the one that should kys because of the disgrace your country has become aka a worse version of 1984 mixed with a tranny clown show.

If Trump wins in 2024 expect war with Iran. Fuck that. Fuck Trump and his criminal family.

>he doesn’t