We are in deeper shit than germans
Most people earn around 1400 euros netto. If you earn 2k netto you are already good, when you are young. I make 48k before taxes a year (with a STEM degree) and I'm poor as fuck.
We have 20% tax on products, the brutto netto difference is insane. Unions fuck our wages. The yearly increase of wages cant keep up with increasing prices. We have a street tax, a tv tax, a church tax etc
Our food prices are the highest in all of europe.
The medical system is really bad, for what you pay. You have to wait half a year, to get to a neurologist, psychiater, ultra sound, mre, etc
We dont have enough doctors because everyone goes to germany.
Companies pay only the bare minimum of what the unions negotiate. Our goverment is corrupt.

If i could choose, i would live in germany, which is better in every regard, except the pension system.

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that cartoon isn't even close
makes me sad that people are this clueless and probably believe that

Care to explain?

This comic would be valid if you replaced "capitalism" with "boomers." But since it's not, it's just dribble.

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If its point was that there are no opportunities to move forward economically because the wealthy have exhausted those avenues then its wrong. There are many opportunities to move forward from trade jobs to tech jobs. And those haven't gone away and only expanded in opportunity.

Im an american who moved here for a job and your post is making me want to kms when i realize this again

Seriously i also have a masters in stem and im making 45k. Id be earning over 100k back home and ill be 30 soon

Why not go back home then? you can retire in Austria If you still want or vacation whenever you want or get a chance. If you have a vision of how to greatly improve your life then go for it. Don't let it get away.

im american in austria also, i dont understand, why cant you move to germany? i have a german passport and im here easily.

im going back to thailand soon though. the apartments here are junk and the food prices are through the roof. was gonna bring my gf here but she wants to go to the US much more than here, and i havent learned much here to convince her otherwise. nice parks, clean city, good transportation, the rest im not sure about. my military disability lets me go anywhere though

>We have 20% tax on products, the brutto netto difference is insane.


mutt education

What will the business man do on that side of the ravine? Just trees? Who is he gonna sell to? Just give him awhile and he'll rebuild the bridge to sell you logs.

>The medical system is really bad, for what you pay. You have to wait half a year, to get to a neurologist, psychiater, ultra sound, mre, etc

Not much better in the US.

Don’t you guys have like the cheapest gas prices in Europe?

If you're a manlet and can't get a job in Austria you should just kill yourself.

Austria really has nothing going for it. You're like a poor Switzerland with more browns. I hardly even saw any white people under age 80 in Vienna.

>We have 20% tax on products


will mandatory vaxx have a comeback in autumn or will BVerfG tear it down?

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>If i could choose, i would live in germany
with a STEM-degree you should be fine

Im sorry

Cool story bro