How is his twitter still up

how is his twitter still up

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because they're not looking to target jews.

It's still up.

Literally who?

Because he's a Jew.

is this a new shooter or the same guy?

>me and
>(((my associates)))

Seriously. You seem to know more about this than me.

They're working really hard to make it appear that free speech on twitter causes niggers getting shot and other Very Bad Things.

Nigga, knows about this. They are going to let it happen and use this as a excuse for gun control and to oppress whitey

*My associates and I..


Snitches get stitches

I bet well never hear about who he spoke with on discord

Those glowniggers are probably getting a new identity and resident retard to gaslight, what patriots

Who's this now?

threatening violence isn't protected under free speech

I thought you faggots wanted free speech on twitter wtf.

Attached: k.jpg (225x225, 3.49K)


they want it to happen, why would they try and stop anything?

because it's not about jews.

I'm not a glownigger but I think it's a little suspicious that the Twitter account is still up.

So the feds told him they were gonna go shoot shit up too.