80% of the women want the top 20% of the men (alpha males or rich males, that ordered this photo)

80% of the women want the top 20% of the men (alpha males or rich males, that ordered this photo)

Attached: 1652728333393.jpg (783x960, 130.83K)

Imagine an Asian girl licking all of those asses

Whoever took this photo must be a super chad? It's hard enough getting one woman to lay naked for you how did he get so many? Probably lifts and was himself. Women love genuine guys like that.

I want to drive over them with my Prius, cracking and shattering their bones

And? You're okay with darvinism until it hits home?

I yield.

>he doesn't know about Eastern European prostitutes and how cheap they are

Imagine the fish smell

Imagine using them as a slip-n-slide

This photo was probably a woman’s idea kek

They do not and will not get them. They'll have to settle for men around their own level of sexual or marriage value.

>that ordered this photo
It's just a pornographer.

All of them are built for Anglo cock

they also want to kill the other 80% of men as quick as possible

Yet my fist will go in all the same

Jokes on them I don't give a shit what women want

80% of the me want the top 20% of the women

Attached: 1646354581329.png (620x936, 242.04K)

I don't like being in the top 20%, does anyone want to trade spots? I just want women to leave me alone.

So I’ll become a rapist? Not complicated

Old big fat smelly hairy short that can't get it up fucking JEW.

GOD i wish my arse were that fat

I could keep them all occupied for a bender weekend

Attached: collection_.jpg (1440x1420, 57.23K)

>people want the best thing possible
I don't believe you.

Here is a blackpill for you, Favela user. They are all men, notice the lack of breasts? Most of the industry for rich fags, mostly purchase shit like that contain sissies with large butts.

Attached: me.webm (400x198, 2.18M)

Whats up with that one narcissist who turned her head? This is a photo of butts, not your ugly ass face. Bitch should be shot execution style where she lays.

based psychopath

Looks like earthly heaven.

That looks hard, it also looks like he had a difficult time finishing.

He must have great personality.

why u post a bike park lot?


They're paid whores you retard

>my prius
>that's why you are not getting any
>pussified women's car

Yeap, gonna need source for research purposes.