Imagine being completely ok with leaving your children anywhere near freaks like this. Wtf is wrong with this country?

Imagine being completely ok with leaving your children anywhere near freaks like this. Wtf is wrong with this country?

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It doesn't help our cause when you photoshop images like this. The reality is already bad enough. We don't have to fake it.

If only it were shooped

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Kill it with fire.

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Nobody cares. Be a good teacher, that is your one job, do it.

Imagine being completely ok allowing the state and peers to raise your children for the last 100 years but suddenly you care now that trannies are involved. Public schooler brainwashed cucks in a system literally designed to dumb you down and leave you with no life skills at age 18 and crippling anxiety from over socializtion. But yeah now that the trannies took over you are starting to notice shit kek.
Must be nice having the system taise your kid for you so you can keep living your hyper material hedonistic lifestyle (make sure the woman works too)

>every single part of your personality is an extension or display of some sexual fetish you have
great choice of person to have around small children!

imagine some whore teaching first grade in fishnets, stilettos, full facepaint, 3 inch nails and a lanyard that says "prefer black" with an instagram post about how proud she is to be out to her class as a part time sex worker. this is the troon equivalent

Everyone laughed at me when i said
>Having children in this day and age
who's laughing now?

The real question is why would you trust anyone to be around your children that long? Tranny, whore or not?
We gave up being parents to chase material ambitions. Look where it got us. There is zero self control and the children are being raised by electronics which are addictive and provide a dripfeed of dopamine ensuring they will be useless as adults.
We lost, we fucking lost and its been a long time coming

This time they're gonna do it right they said.

Oh my sides.

And then suddenly for no reason…

We homeschool.

Nowhere near this degeneracy

a big part of early childhood education is the socialization aspect. its important for kids to be around other kids

just find a nice school and vet the teachers. lots of great private schools have high standards

>children are being raised by electronics which are addictive and provide a dripfeed of dopamine ensuring they will be useless as adults.

newflash lud, the entire planet revolves around these little devices that we stare at all day. there is no going back. its better to teach healthy acceptance and work with them, than to pretend you can live without them tilling the land or some shit.

Groomers being unleashed on the school system

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You fuck the child yourself

>everyone MUST accept me or you go to JAIL
America is not worth saving

Is this chumlee?


Theres no reason this guy shouldnt be axe murdered

Fucking KILL IT.

Elites are hellbent on forcing the entire population down their preferred path, suppressing all dissent with ceaseless propaganda and aggressive indoctrination. They hate you and only want your submission to their agenda. They will push trannyism on your children, turn women against men, turn people of close racial relation against each other; anything they can do to win, tooth and nail.

*groomers. They're groomers. they're not just being who they are, they are actively recruiting your children into a deviant, degenerate sex cult.

Everything was fine until they openly came for the children. Now, they'll pay with their careers.

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What? Yes there is. Quit being stupid.

Shirt says YOU BELONG HERE lmao tranny is based not even trying to pass with a beard and everything shoving it in your face forcing you to either accept this sick shit or act
I love the antichrist so much its unreal

facebook dot com jacob.debellis

Oh shit....

I'm called Mx. user in my schools admin system I assumed it was a typo but now I realize I'm given a non binary qualifier what do I do bros???

Even the antichrist has taste. Cmon

>live in Oakland
>send kids to public school

Not a chance.

Nice reddit spacing nigger
>the socialization aspect
Outright lie. Children van get just as much socialization outside of school as in. And get this: it can be done withine the moderation of the adult parent so they do not become brainwashed like the rest
> the entire planet revolves around these little devices that we stare at all day.
Look at you. You cant even imagine a world without them. People like you think the food comes from the grocery store and you will surely perish within 1 week without them. You have become so far removed from what it means to be human you will die trying to defend the matrix. Enjoy your hyper materialism while it lasts nigger. You are already a fucking cyborg and no longer human.

Why hide its name? Why protect it?
Name it and make sure all the parents at any school near that thing know what it is, where it lives, and what it is exposing their children too.

Same. My wife received so much grief from her three brothers (the typical how will it look on their college applications, what about socialization, etc.) but all of their children have behavioral issues and lack critical thinking, whereas our two children don’t. Kek.

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People are too poor and indebted to have a choice. That is the plan. "Oy vey FULL STOP."

Fuck your pronouns, faggot. Keep your sexapades and identity to yourself. You’re a teacher. I’d be a confused fucker in that class room. “Mr….no? Mrs? Well what the fuck are you?”

The fact our society allows such people to thrive and encourage thos outside of a medical facility is telling of the reasons why they genocided.

I did post its name here And its lanyard says pleasant ridge montessori which is apparently in ohio

Its a question of morality fren, not wealth.

>Imagine being completely ok with leaving your children anywhere near freaks like this. Wtf is wrong with this country?

This is the same country that elected a black president twice.

>that book link
It’s real wtf

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Good parents home school their children these days... also, niggers and spics rely on the school system as their free babysitter. They'd easily leave their children with these monsters because their free time is much more precious to them. To them, the kid was just a living breathing paycheck anyway.

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I hope he kills himself.

>it's so great that the entire community has been manipulated to affirm my delusions

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Goomer Freak more like

"Jaxen de Bellis" ie, jacking the balls, of course trans people love to make up names that are filthy. here's an exerpt from the faggots book, note the tranny discord mentality

such low effort trash

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>all of this happened
what did they mean by this


If Parents monitored their kids schools this would Never of been Enabled !


Meanwhile the Jewish Attorney General insinuates that parents outraged about what schools are now teaching are domestic terrorists.

If you want some shitposting material, the Disney cartoon "Amphibia" just ended and they had a time skip for the human girls into their early 20s.

The manipulative and violent one ended up apparently getting a psych degree and counseling kids.
And they had a bi-flag sticker in her rear view mirror implying she's bi.

Seems like there's material there.

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It was an attempt at painting people rightfully pointing out the slippery slope as catasrophizing deranged lunatics with the most outlandish claims of what would happen. People don't think it be like it is but it do

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>and they had a bi-flag sticker in her rear view mirror implying she's bi.

This is a good point. If you're going to put a tranny flag in your car, you better make sure it's in the back window.

That senator wants to impeach AG Boss myjackass for this