Honestly if you look like this you should be put in a camp for being a potential shooter

Honestly if you look like this you should be put in a camp for being a potential shooter

Attached: el paso and gilroy garlic festival and buffalo shooter.png (995x419, 510.66K)

Just put them on HRT

Attached: 1650840545725.jpg (1366x746, 599.56K)

Why do they all have glasses?

Yea at least they only kill themselves not others.

agree, unfortunately this is most Americans, and almost 100% of American legal gun owners

its over if you're a sub 8 male in 2022

It's part of the grooming process, and an attempt to create a culture to which groomed individuals identity and feel empowered by.

Half of Netherlands in camps ?

Anyone who wears glasses should be executed for political crimes, like in China and Cambodia.

Honestly if you look like this you should be put in a camp for daily penetrative gay sex from muscular chads.

Good idea. They'll have an easier time plotting worthwhile attacks that way.

they would love that because they are lefty redditors

Treating them as human beings seems like a much better option.

>Treating them as human beings
The were already being treated as human beings, their problem is that the popular girls at school didn't like them back and then they spent most of their time on the internet becoming an incel

Thank god i don't look like this.

>nigger lips
>mutt features
so like 90% of american males?

it contributes to the nerdiness and ugliness leading to social isolation.

Low social life, no enough eye exercises then wearing glasses as solution.

So you want to lock up god knows how many people because the Feds got a bunch of retarded Jewish glowies to shoot up places?


>some kinds of racism is completely okay

You're actually face blind if you think the last one looks like the others apart from wearing glasses. Look how wide his face is.

Nobody ever uses Tarrant as a incelface example

Putting people into camps because they look a certain way, starting to sound like someone here...