/chug/- Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #3061

Previous: Timeline /tug/: files.catbox.moe/iupdck.pdf
>Have a smile! Give a laugh!

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Azov surrendering and being sent to a 3rd country: DPR
>Power supply returns to Mariupol, Volnovakha and other liberated cities and villages of the DPR
>Russia cuts off electricity to Finland
>Lloyd Austin calls for Russia-Ukriane cease-fire in talk with Sergei Shoigu
>5000 Ukrainian troops ordered from Belarus border to reinforce Severodonetsk
>US Senator Rand Paul stalls $40 billion in aid to Ukraine
>Russian forces entered into the town of Severodonetsk, Novokalinovo and Novobahmutovka.
>Reuters: Germany's VNG will transfer payments to Gazprombank under Russia's euros for rubles scheme
>The ban on the transportation of Russian oil has been excluded from the "sixth package of sanctions".
>"Legendary" Canadian Sniper Wali returns to Canada, disappointed by state of the UAF
>Admiral Makarov is FINE
>Battle for Popasnaya results in Russia's victory
>Kherson authorities announce their intention to join Russia
>Russian forces capture Yampol in Donetsk Oblast
>AFP: Bulgaria and the Czech Republic looking to request exception to Russian oil embargo
>Pope Francis: NATO provocation may have led to Russian invasion, unsure whether countries should continue sending arms
>Ukraine allows the deployment of volkssturm to the frontlines (t.me/s/uniannet/51863)
>20 million metric tons of grain to be delivered from Ukraine to Germany to prevent famine



▶Audio thread

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Other urls found in this thread:





Russian (former opposition to Putin)

French (official)


British (official)

American (neocons)


Troops (suspended for being too accurate)

Troops (alternative)



More Russian maps

FIRMS (Fire information)

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▶Ukraine vs. Russia /wave/ Series
youtube.com/watch?v=D1F7tVB_x3g #1
youtube.com/watch?v=UvsNLk7snEE #2
youtube.com/watch?v=g3BYqExuLJ0 #3
youtube.com/watch?v=bxrHEt5w8PQ #4
youtube.com/watch?v=SKgyY7DL3J0 #5
youtube.com/watch?v=9j5GZmgHEyw #6

▶streamable / catbox / other media links

▶War footage
>Russia released footage of dead Ukraine soldiers from their failed attempt to retake Snake Island
>Russian terminators spotted in Severodonetsk region

▶Naval Traffic

▶Air Traffic

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Sage general


Day 39 coming soon

At least Russia doesn’t need $554 billion in American gibs just to stay on the map

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I'm off now ladz

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Supposedly video of Mariopil garnison announcing their surrender
But I can’t translate shit

Can you guys just admit you're supporting Russia because you have a man crush on Putin?

>Uki 'special forces' car won't start. they had to use the old fashioned method to run away

part 2, fuck these larping cunts, 2.50 a liter, I hope they all get slaughtered


How is chug coping with Russia officially surrendering at Azovstal?

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Reminder that you'll see the "holocaust survivors," childless old money billionaires, and 70 IQ normies die in your lifetime.

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Hey frens, any good unbiased Twitter sources that post semi regular updates?

>$554 billion
that's a chump change for biden. murica can always print more money


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Some did, some didn’t.

tbqh. if there is really a Russia vs. USA war comming, this seems like a great starter.
The USA is losing gear and money and the Euro is collapsing, while Russia has time to get autark.

Every single weapon and USD that the USA is throwing into the black hole called Ukraine, they can not use against Russia in a direct war.

how comes no one talks about the russian chernobyl fuckup?

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>The EU will help Ukraine to empty its grain storages, taking it to Europe, including by sea, to make room for a new crop — Borrel
Will it really help Ukraine?

chugbros, i think we might have to add a neocon bit in the op
shills and glowies literally run off when neocons and nuland are mentioned
here, that bong from two threads ago, only skipped this answer
then when i called him out directly in the next thread, gave some half assed reply and fucked off at the first follow up

Needs proper Z pic

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Here's Girkin black suppository pill

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>day 80 and the frontline has barely fucking moved (other than losing the kiev offensive lmao)
uhhhh russia bros we need to keep talking about non whites raping white women and trannies that'll make russia win right??

by laughing at your retarded /uhg/ger cope

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> Erdogan says no to Fin/Swe sissys joining Nato

Is the Sultan /our/ guy?

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Looks like a Cannibal of Gostomel created a new Youtube channel or it's just a troll pretend to be him

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Thank you fren

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because it was fake and gay like webm related

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Sultan is his own guy.

Russian translation of the video
"Зaщитники Mapиyпoля выпoлнили пpикaз, нecмoтpя нa вce тpyднocти, 82 дня oттягивaли пpeвocхoдящиe cилы пpoтивникa нa ceбя и пoзвoлили yкpaинcкoй apмии пepeгpyппиpoвaтьcя, пoдгoтoвить бoльшe личнoгo cocтaвa и пoлyчить бoльшoe кoличecтвo вoopyжeния oт cтpaн-пapтнepoв.

Hи oднo вoopyжeниe нe бyдeт paбoтaть бeз пpoфeccиoнaльнo пoдгoтoвлeнных вoeннocлyжaщих, чтo дeлaeт их caмым цeнным элeмeнтoм apмии.

B цeлях coхpaнeния жизнeй вecь Mapиyпoльcкий гapнизoн выпoлняeт yтвepждeннoe peшeниe выcшeгo вoeннoгo кoмaндoвaния и нaдeeтcя нa пoддepжкy yкpaинcкoгo нapoдa"

azov status report? has cannibalism begun? i ask out of scientific interest and look forward to videos from the cumpit.

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coom on boob

Thats not true they also lost Kharkov and were pushed back to the other bank of Kherson

Hey Russian cock gobblers.. Where are all the Ukrainian special forces bodies that washed up on Snake island? Still nothing?

HAHAHAHAHHAHA imagine how dumb you must be to fall for the 3rd world tier propaganda that the Putin regime pushes out.

He just wants them to denounce kurds

Add that neocons are trotzkikes also.

Guy on duty at the Chernobyl plant was actually Ukrainian believe it or not.

Bless the mind too small ( vxnormie ) for doubt

They surrendering

I'm not russian you mongol

Thats why we like him

Catbox became incredibly slow, I can't watch shit. It's easier for me to just find the original on tg.

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What no mobilization does to a mfer.

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Reminder in any nuclear exchange the Anglos die first and it will be glorious.

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lol wat? faggots

Kek you're hitting them on the money and it spooks them. They know that the mood towards US interventions in the past has turned largely negative, everyone knows how we fucked up in Iraq and Afghanistan and plenty of people associate Libya with Hillary Clinton

2 more years

this idiot is destroying your country.
to this day its incomprehensible to me how you could let them get away with stealing the election.

This proxy war is going to cause the dollar to collapse. Screenshot this. It will happen. We are bleeding away our military gear and won’t be able to replace it.

The Soviet Union is coming back boys!
Fuck all that junk food trash!

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If by 'really helping Ukraine,' you mean Hoholodomor 2.0 and blame Russia for it, then yes.

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Still no proof on the failed Ukrainian special forces assault on Snake island?



>refused to mobilize
>wants to larp as le epic general again
He's a cuck

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Turns out even Azoniggers have a limit when they are starving, rotting and being set on fire every other day.

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just how mad is /uhg/ at DonMak?

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I think NATO is going to die really soon. It is not really a good thing.
There's a allegedly British saying i recall: "When gentlemen lose a game, they change the rules of the game."
This would mean NATO is going to be replaced by some new antirussian organisation, because of the veto right, similar to AUKUS.

Dont need to screenshot this desu, its already looks like deep crisis for usd.

The age of DonMak is upon us!

>won’t be able to replace it.
you'll be starved in order to ensure that you do and that the MIC and the deep state kikes make money

Or they only surrendering their wounded
They talking too loosely

Did the cum pits really just surrender?

>Azov surrendering and being sent to a 3rd country: DPR
>3rd country

I hope thats either russia, LPR or belarus, otherwise is the ultimate cuckening and the beggining of the capitulation

Unconfirmed from what I've seen
It's mostly the border guards and the rest of cuckhole army for now
50 wounded went to Novoazovsk

When the MSM comes here be sure to let them know that the glowie was a /k/oper and /uhg/ poster..

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I have heard from the sources in Lvov they are panicking there cause supposedly Polaycks have all the documents to their properties there and Polyacks will male them pay rent for just living on the land.

I supposh every not mc dolan burger joint will disappear too because of reasons.

take BellumActaNews out of OP and instead add this channel. BellumActaNews is all over the place and not really about this conflict. As well as that intel slava Z has posted uki disinfo a few times.
He does breakdowns of Russian activity, eg. pic related

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the lying mainstream media tells only half the story.

they just gonna rebrand and do some technicalities at the registration office, but basically it stays 99,9% the same, including ownership structure.

They just cope by saying we are coping.
Its pathetic but not surprising, coming from nupol

> shill very determined to bait a repeat of the camo discussion

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they didnt surrender, russia gave in adn they will be sent to a third country (american puppet) and will be on ukriane sooner than later

total cuckwarfare, russia lost, is that simple

Not just denounce, he wants them to hand them out.
The K*rds who became refugees in Sweden.

If they don't sink those ships Russia is fucking retarded
>Help by stealing all the grain
>For crops they haven't planted, can't plant, no fuel no fertilizer no tractors, and then harvest in an active war zone, with men who are fertilizer in Donbass now

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>azov surrender terminal wounded people
>they die in custody like George floyd
>wester media blame Russia for killing pow

What are the odds

That 3rd country is DPR.


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It looks like it's him KEK
A fucking Cannibal of Gostomel who ate a human flesh
He even uploaded a new video with looting something from the dead

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Overspending on military is a sign of imminent (as in a few years) imperial collapse; US is following the footsteps of Rome and the USSR

America is unironically an oligarchy.
The taxpayer will be on the hook for $500 billions so a few (((well-connected people))) can make something like $3 billions.

I didn't they'd actually do the third party thing. I guess Azov appealing to China actually worked.

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If you've not contacted your local and national media to let them know about /uhg/ and how the Buffalo shooter was in those threads and posting white supremacist shit, then you haven't done your job today.

aren’t the mutts trying to pull their east asian vassals into nato now?


ME:" oh sweet, got any cool footage or photos of the aftermath?"


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Russia has done nothing, but there has already been a conflict in NATO between members and future members of the organization

Too good, I'll believe when I see Volyna/Kalyna shitting on Zelya on camera (if they weren't eaten)

What wil DNR do to this bastard?

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Remember: ban evasion is a bannable offense

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fellow chugsisters, how is this plastic bimbo supposed to save us from the globohomos?

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wait until ghoul of gostomel reach cumpit

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You gotta go back user.


..pretty sure it was the eurovision appeal coupled with that pussy riot enabled attempt to bait the pope

Any hroofs about that claim hohol friend?

He is hungry for human fleash again?
wtf that ghoule

Erdogan confirmed he will veto Sverige and Spurdo in NATO.

i fucking hope, i did fucking hope so, if they are sent elsewere of the russian influece is a decisive ukrainian victory and there will be no cope for that

is what the feed sayd

We didn't need (retard edition)
>Kharkov(It's coming).
>Kramatorsk: Artyomovsk and Slavyansk-Kramatorsk front (current combat front)
>Polatava(pepeleaf pointed out that Poltava is not near fighting. I'm leaving it anyway).
>Mykoliev(currently being evacuated).
>The Zarya gunpowder factory.
>Kharkov Tractor Plant.
>Access to the sea of Azov.
>Our rail systems.
>Our air defense network.
>Our airports.
>80% of oil and gas fields.
>All refineries and major tank farms.
>Sowing fields.
>Coal mines.
>Four major ports.
>Substantial part of the nuclear and significant coal generation.
>Black Sea offshore oil and gas fields
>Metallurgical plants in Mariupol and Krivoy Rog.
>Almost the entire national military-industrial complex.

What is going on???

A public execution by hanging I hope.

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>Obama supports Ukraine
>Biden supports Ukraine
>Bush supports Ukraine
>Macron supports Ukraine
>Boris supports Ukraine
>Soros supports Ukraine
>All major European leaders support Ukraine
>The same politicians who have been filling their countries with millions upon millions of Africans and Arabs for the past decades support Ukraine
>The same politicians who tricked the Western population into believing there was an ongoing pandemic support Ukraine
>The same politicians who told you that you were going to lose your job if you didn't take an experimental deadly vaccine support Ukraine
>All of Western media supports Ukraine
>Facebook supports Ukraine
>Twitter supports Ukraine
>Reddit supports Ukraine
>All the Western social media that bans nationalists and conservatives from social media supports Ukraine
>All the Western social media that allows child pornography, blatant homosexuality, and anti-White content on their platforms support Ukraine
>All the major anti-White celebrities that have told you that you're a racist for being White support Ukraine
>All the major institutions of the West that have been systematically racist against Whites support Ukraine
>The Western militaries that slaughtered millions of innocent people in the Middle East, created tens of millions of refugees (which were then taken into Western countries) support Ukraine

Why do Brits always act this tough? Your country is just an American naval base that does nothing but cause trouble for Europe. All your rhetoric in this war has been pro-escalation because your prime minister is a moron that everyone hates and is trying to distract from it. You're a liability to Europe and an American puppet that still LARPs as a superpower. Even if Russia loses catastrophically your cost of living situation is fucked and your country is falling apart, and no outcome to the Ukraine war will change this.

Anyone know what this Neanderthal is saying?


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And since there are enough states that can veto whatever mutts want, they will create a new loyal club.

>Pic related
I hope you don't need much of translation, its in Bulgar speak
>Basedogan BTFOs Swedistan & Binland for their "muh delegations" to Ankara
Basically he told them to GTFO, no need to even try convincing him to revert his NATO VETO

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Okay guys
I probably overhyped their message
It’s too good to be true
They probably meant that they surrendering their heavily wounded soldiers and not all troops


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50 wounded from azogstal transported to DNR
More talks about surrendering ongoing IIRC
Shills seething

The hole of memories.
>The delivery of fighter jets by NATO
>Running out of supplies next Sunday
>Dead Redditors
>Snake Island surrender
>they'll never take a city
>four IL-76 shot down
>Ghost of Queef - 25 kills
>4000 russ tanks destroyed
>3 quadrillion infantry KIA
>Admiral Makarov
>Snake Island assault (the belt cope)
>Ukrainians attempting to retake Snake island, then saying those were russians after btfo
>the kerson counteroffensive
>breaking the siege of Mariupol
>The Reaper of Kiev

sentenced to shave the ass lint off his face

DPR/LPR are the Russian-backed separatists. It's basically Russia.


It's just phrased badly in OP. They are being sent to Novoazovsk.

Best season

There are butthurt belter flags in Buffalo shooter threads who are trying very hard to convince people that the shooter wasn't a glowy.

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>The Buffalo shooter supports Ukraine

That needs to be added

> yep totally trying to bait a discussion about the sf corpse collection video
do fuck off


Thanks user

>Shills seething
why would I seethe? it's a good thing that these heroes might survive.

didnt your coutnry have lgbtq parades? becouse russia dont

Are those the ukros larping as Germano/Celtic viking warriors

They should just say they'll shoot the wounded if they don't all surrender and them follow through

You forgot all the shilling for a NATO no-fly zone.

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>Putin isn't the one telling me my adolescent son could be placed on hormone blockers against my will as a parent.
>Putin isn't the one telling me my daughter must accept mentally deranged trannies in her bathrooms and gyms.
>Putin isn't the one requiring affirmative action for boards of Nasdaq listed companies.
>Putin isn't the one telling me I owe black people reparations based on skin color.
>Putin isn't the one installing lawless district attorneys in major cities across America.
>Putin isn't the one who locked up Americans without bail for peacefully protesting an election widely suspected to be rigged.
>Putin isn't the one plotting to destroy my constitution by packing the supreme court.
>Putin isn't the one teaching my children to hate themselves and their heritage.
>Putin isn't the one branding masculinity as inherently toxic.
>Putin isn't the one rewriting my national history and identity by teaching that America was founded on racism.
>Putin isn't the one clamoring for unfettered access to pornography, birth control, and abortion.
>Putin isn't the one advocating that a family unit can just as well consist of two daddies or two mommies or literally anything.
>Putin isn't the one filling the commercials, tv shows and movies with bungling white males, mary sues, and cocksure minorities at every turn.
>Putin isn't the one promoting sophist philosophy at every level of society while systematically denying the existence of objective truth.

Neither Putin nor the Russian people are my enemies. They are, at the very least, enemies of my enemy.
For that alone I say God Bless Russia and the Russian people. Thank you for the assistance of your naval fleet during the American civil war, without which we would have become a balkanized group of weakling British vassal states.
To this day Americans owe Russia a debt of gratitude, and we owe the anglos who ginned up both world wars and created Israel exactly nothing but our contempt.

West will be straightified.

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He is mocking hohol call to kill russians.

Russians on the minefield.

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Who the FUCK created this abomination of a "language"

It saddens me greatly to see my kinfolk be so gullible to Russian propaganda. Wise up white man.

Y-you will collapse any day now!!!! We're the financial capital of the world faggot, we punch well above our weight. I get it, we're historical rivals. But we're almost the same people. Frisians and Anglos are closely related. So get a fucking grip.

What video.. There is 0 proof of dead Ukrainian special forces on Snake island.

Azog surrender is a russkie fake ops, according to ukie parlament.


Remember when libs were trying to virtue signal each other into starting a nuclear war because Ukraine shills convinced them that calling for a no fly zone would get them engagement on twitter? What fucking horrible people. Enemies of all humanity.

>niggers support russia
>sandniggers support russia
>the chinks that unleashed a bioweapon to harm our economy support russia
>incels support russia
>unemployed cockroaches in europe support russia
>israel supports russia
>moderate far-right parties with ties to pedophiles support russia
>big corporations that pollute the environments white children will grow up in support russia and it's industrial jew juice

why should I support these steppe jews?

I don't support hohols either but thinking that somehow russia winning will make the western institutions "collapse" is the same thought process as leftists and niggers expecting reparations or some external factor to come and fix their lives instead of taking responsibility and getting good themselves

But uhg-sisters told me that AZOG will hold there forever
They got food and water for years
Waiting for Steinerenko counter offensive on Kherson

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Howdy guys I just wanted to let ya'll know I'm baaaaack. Anyways did the Azovstal Xoxolds officially surrender?

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Putin nuking Finland when

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this guy here, he paid attention

thanks god

dude, other scenario than those fuckers beign kia or tortured on russia for the rest of their lives will be dissaster for russia

Ukraine might have been to inteligent too win.

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Based Przemyśl Zhydkoperdov
Slava Coproini!

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We can tell you're not from here.
You'll probably never figure out how but we can tell.

btw. that pic was actually commissioned by a UK government shilling agency,

And lets not forge the old women making molotow cocktails.

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yep could understand that, makes sense though, i mean they outlawed pkk affiliated politicians in their own country, so they can demand the same in sweden
sweden on the other hand can’t really expel an elected parliamentarian
smb gonna have to bribe erdogan lol

>Cui bono?
Man, you are IRA tier. Thank you for your analysis