It is official, events like Waukesha, the guy who opened fire on police, and the subway shooting have been memory holed

It is official, events like Waukesha, the guy who opened fire on police, and the subway shooting have been memory holed.

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He's right, it's not like blacks ever do this kind of thing. We didn't have 4 black mass shooters last month or a black guy drive his SUV through a crowd of white people with his own manifesto. You just don't see these things.

I'm clearly talking about today, we have not seen those things happen today. Anything prior to today you aren't supposed to think about.

Post twitter link

And the cop who was tortured to death for explicitly racial motives.
And the child who was shot execution-style while the 2020 riots were ongoing.
And the teenager shot at CHAZ, which is a project that came from explicitly racial protests.

Granted, none of those were accompanied by a confession -- I mean "manifesto" -- that bizarrely amalgamated manifestos from previous shootings as though it were generated by an AI and then included a page mentioning all the websites feds would like to control.

(Though, in an interview, the lady who tortured the cop did say it's because of "what he did to my people" or something along those lines. No idea where she possibly could have gotten the idea cops were doing something "to her people" since race isn't real anyway -- oh wait now I remember, race is now not only real, but it's the most important facet of modern society which should pervade all thought before we're even allowed to have a democracy and "racial justice" is now something politicians are expected to have a positive opinion on because we're using BLM to advance communism and our entire elite culture is mired in unspeakable hypocrisy.)

People are complete retards and will believe this. I'm already tired of the kvetching over this

Isn't it called "Rap Music"?

Though given how cops *do* fucking suck lately -- "cops," -- that might better serve as an example of how torture is simply always immoral, though perhaps it's worth noting that "cops" typically don't think so.

That happened this year. The dude was literally sending videos of himself madturbating to pornography to his entire class. He also threatened to shoot/bomb people i'm pretty sure.

That was the best manifesto i think i've ever seen. True art

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This cunt has been added to my non-legally binding mental list
Sehen wir uns ganz bald, NIGGERS

know why that will never happen? (The nigger writing a manifesto and nig) Nigs can't read or write.

To write a manifesto he would need to know how to write first.

things are only going to get worse. most whites in america still are brainwashed and think they're far majority. just you wait. havent seen anything yet

oh look it's wearing glasses

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paco hates niggers more than i do

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Because at their core, the white people who read the manifesto are now aware of the problems affecting their race. Whether they’re opposed to the killing or not something in them is saying “he was right about those things” just white method

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Blacks are too dumb to write. They just commit the mass murder part.

That means, he's smart.

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>black kid

I knew that when the US government refused to acknowledge that motivation for the terrorist attack was racial there would be a reprisal.
Now expect a counter reprisal to Buffalo where the US government and media again refuses to acknowledge that it was racially motivated

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its weird its almost like there are constant shootings like this where blacks scream about white cops erasing them. its almost like there is always a black mass shooting but for some reason the metrics get skewed when the reporting comes and half the time videos or posts they wrote get "lost" or removed. remember the shootings in dallas that got glossed over and memory holed?

>And the teenager shot at CHAZ
was black, retard

>That was the best manifesto i think i've ever seen.

Probably cause it was written and reviewed by the CIA

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NIGGER professor diversity hire just wrote a manifesto. We laughed. He's in jail.
Nobody cares.



>thinking niggers write

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>shootings in dallas
uppity nigger killed 5 cops responding to fake 911 call, wounded several more - out of the news in less than a week

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that nig looks 35 not 30

>Black kid
You got me here for a moment

oh its darker than that, due to the lack of police and anyone wanting to live in those neighborhoods the number of missing persons just skyrockets, riots take up an entire ctiy for weeks and the poor people living there are subject to tons of awful shit. whats fucked is that whoever is handling the reporting skews the information. got hit in the head with a rock and spent 3 weeks in the hospital? not a death so it was a peaceful riot

Too bad they can't fucking write.

I'm pretty sure more than one anti white rap comes out a year and blacks kill/rape whites every day. Or does it need to be pre-qualified and agrandized by the media to count?

If a Black kid *rapped* about killin' whytee.
Fixed it.

Blacks already do that except write manifestos since niggers are illiterate

wtf dude are you a 33rd degree mason???