The kids are not alright
>By several measures — attendance, late assignments, quality of in-class discussion — they performed worse than any students I had encountered in two decades of teaching. They didn’t even seem to be trying. At the private school, I required individual meetings to discuss their research paper drafts; only six of 14 showed up. Usually, they all do.

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did it ever occur to the global academic sphere that they have been teaching the same exact shit for 1000 years?!

newsflash, it's boring. teach kids how to cut perfect dovetail joints, or weld the perfect bead, or can the most perfect jar of pickles, or graft the most perfect shoot off an apple tree, or tap the purest sap, or keep the greatest bee hives, or mill the finest flour, or sharpen the sharpest axes

>stamp act


This is what happens when school starts indoctrinating children instead of actually teaching useful knowledge. Why should they care about paper drafts when they can go and do something more interesting and intellectual than this or go to a party and meet more people

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Two years of hardcore demoralisation following 70 years of indoctrination, and these people wonder why their students can't be bothered with anything anymore?

this is how all the kids are in elementary schools right at the moment. most 5th and 6th graders have to be walked through the process of finding out a basic fact using a google search, and more of them than not have behavioral issues.

Don't forget mandatory holocaust education. We can't let the goyim forget about the 6 million unproven victims. Don't ask for proof though, that's antisemitic.

Jamie bring up a chart of modern day demographics

Hmm... maybe that's what happens when all that is required to get into college is being black... don't have to be literate.
>what happened to the quality of discussion?
Gee, let me think.

You forgot the Holocaust, goy. I should sue.

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THIS! ahhhh it never ends!

This is awful. If the kids don't apply themselves in school, how will they learn what they can safely stick up their asses?

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More like past 100 years education has gone to shit. Prior to WW2 the pinnacle of education was mastery of the Trivium and Quadrivium

Dont the current stats of academic progress in the US explained that over 35% of the population cant read or write?

What the fuck is going on your side of the land, americans?


>graduated may 2021
>cheated my way through second half of school
>have remote job now
>80k and live at home, no rent/food/all spending is discretionary
>save/invest everything else
>basically google everything I need to
>work 3-4 hours a day at max

Get fucked retards

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The first man who founded a college didn't go to college. Just sayin.

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I'm 33, got back into school after five years, and ten years before that, as my GI Bill was about to expire. It's bad. It's real fucking bad. It's not *almost* impossible to fail, it's simply *impossible* to fail.

>no one shows up to classes where attendance can cause you to fail
>no one turns in assignments and whole class gets chided because literally me and three others have turned work in
>classes are so dumbed down that advanced classes seem to be banned
>tons of bullshit Zoom calls
>90% of tests are online
>yes, you can take them from home
>yes, everyone cheats
>me included
>because it gets the work done faster
>entire bio 100 class was a gimme
>could turn in zero work for a 70
>students are essentially AWOL not just from class, but campus life
>only show up to football games
>covid Zoom shit caused this
>not going away any time soon

Oh you cheeky cunt

I kneel

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Please tell me you are joking

We collectively stole 2 years of their youth. We made a generation of doomers who give no reason to give a shit on a society that gave no shits about them. If you are over the age of 24 you probably just had to wear a mask and avoid restaurants for a few months in 2020. For the kids they had to do online school for a year, wear a mask at school with draconian enforcement for another, have all their activities cancelled. They were robbed more than the adults were.

Joke's on you. My mother is already dead.

>Much more decisive in what is taking place is something that, significantly, is not spoken of at all: namely, the end of being a student [studentato, studenthood] as a form of life. Universities were born in Europe from student associations — universitates — and they owe their name to them. To be a student entailed first of all a form of life in which studying and listening to lectures were certainly decisive features, but no less important were encounters and constant exchanges with other scholarii, who often came from remote places and who gathered together according to their place of origin in nationes. This form of life evolved in various ways over the centuries, but, from the clerici vagantes of the Middle Ages to the student movements of the twentieth century, the social dimension of the phenomenon remained constant. Anyone who has taught in a university classroom knows well how, in front of one’s very eyes, friendships are made, and, according to their cultural and political interests, small study and research groups are formed that continue even after classes have ended.
>All this, which has lasted for almost ten centuries, now ends forever. Students will no longer live in the cities where their universities are located. Instead, they will listen to lectures closed up in their rooms and sometimes separated by hundreds of kilometers from those who were formerly their classmates. Small cities that were once prestigious university towns will see their communities of students, who frequently made up the most lively part, disappear from their streets.
reminder that liberals blacklisted agamben for talking about this stuff back in 2020

who looks at the state of the world and gets motivated? i am lucky i have a comfy job, but i sure as hell am not bust my ass off in a system that i find utterly broken

Hello bean salesman! I'm actually headed your way in a month to unwind from this hell that this shithole country has become. I hope Yucatan is as nice as it looks.

Yes, it's that bad. There's absolutely nothing being learned. It's like a place you go to collect debt and say you did the thing that Boomers ordered us all to do when we were growing up.

I have perspective too, I have a metric. I'm 33, I've been hopping in and out of school since I was 18 and when I was 18, "curving" was still pretty rare and only used for remedial (retard) classes, now if you all fail, you all pass.

Can one of you faggot niggers please post the archive of this faggot kike article so that I don't have to give shekels to these sniveling hooknosed yids?

This is exactly what universities are like in China. Work your ass off to get in, and then as soon as you pass the entrance exam you just take it easy and don't bother going.

Universities used to be a place where the smartest (and therefore most dangerous) 5% went to learn how to love and uphold their civilization. Their reward for being smart and capable was money and power.

Unfortunately, midwits looked at this system and used cargo cult logic. If smart and capable people were going to universities, and the smart and capable people were also rich; it logically follows that going to college should make you rich. And if it performs this miracle for the top 5%, why not the top 10%? Or the top 20%? Or everybody?

So the government and some NGOs started cramming every nigger and yokel in the Western world onto college campuses to get a master's degree in psychology or some dumb shit. Usually this was paid for with tax money from the actually accomplished people.

Shockingly, the promised good jobs never showed up, and the niggers with MFAs are still niggers. Instead of taking a moment to reflect, and even better to accept that people are unequal and there will always be winners and losers, regardless of their "education," the kikes running the show decided that racism must be to blame. So now we have to burn down human civilization because 20% of whites can't be taught to read and 80% of niggers are still borderline cannibals.

It's all very tiresome.

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Well cant say i am surprise but at the same time it sucks to read it

universities existed to churn out clergymen dummy

At a time when the clergy were society's gentry, yes. Please stop being a retarded faggot, you retarded faggot.

"You have to go to college, everyone goes to college!" This was the Boomer motto and I have no clue where they inherited it from, because their parents saw degrees as what you just described. Hell, neither of my parents used any of their college learning in life, as they both inherited their trades from their parents and left me with... being forced to join the army for, among other things, the GI Bill because "you have to go to college, everyone goes to college!"

>6 million
I thought it was closer to 7 million?
How can you forget the 8 million, antisemite?

Bro, come on. Before Boomers, college was something you fought tooth and nail to be a part of. My grandparents, though eventually finding enough wealth to live happily, never achieved college despite it being the dream of every GI generation kid out there.

It really was prestigious and I can still remember my grandpa, who died in 2010 when he was 85, talking about it like it was more precious than gold.