I will never forget that I fight aside with Any Forums against the whole world against the vaxx

I will never forget that I fight aside with Any Forums against the whole world against the vaxx.

Then Any Forums turned against what is right, what is truth, against our ideals So I fought alone against Any Forums and I keep winning. Can I be considered a Chad already?

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Why are you on their side?

>t. I support jewkraine
all wars are jewish wars

Uhhh.... Based?

Any Forums cheers for azov
chug is full of glowies

(((Nazis))) are losing. Russia will denazify Ukraine, even if they have to kill every man in the country

I'm Natsoc and catholic.

I support Ukraine and their fight against the evil nazis

Not happening.

Russia will lose the war and be totally demoralized like the communist shithole it is.

the illuminati is correct to want to kill off 95% of the human race. I am grateful they created the vaccine to do this. Imagine how beautiful the world will be once the useless eaters are all dead

Lets not forget that pol was pro lockdown, pro masks for several months into the flu (le deadly flying aids)

If you are a brazilian nationalist then why do you side with ukrainian nationalists? You understand that nationalism is by definition an idea based on exclusion, right? If it was to the benefit of their Nation Azov would shoot you, even if you shared their ideals, as you are not part of their blood.
Furthermore Christianity is a directly antinationalist belief system, no greek, no jew, you know the quote.

based opinion, gonna have to agree

dont be a christcuck

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I defend all NatSoc brothers in the world because they help the nationalist cause.
Christianity defend we have the same rights we are different but we can live together, opposite to we are all equal communism bullshit.

Germanon above is correct
Christianity is premarxian communism
This is why since the early 90's the KGB has been pushing christcuckery and in particular orthodox faggotry real hard.

You're a fucking golem, retard.

I'm christian because he is God and saved my sould. I'm catholic because the church have all the tradition and predestination to help the right way to live correct and find spirituality.
Don't matter if we have some weak and maybe bad people inside this.

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>I defend all NatSoc brothers in the world because they help the nationalist cause.
So global anti-globalism?
You have to understand, the best case scenario for any nation is if it is the only nation in existence. Why do you think jews are eroding the european nationstates? Because for jews any other collective identity with a strong in-group preference is a threat. The whole idea behind nationalism is that not everyone can get what they want, thus befriending everyone is stupid. Family/Blood comes first.
How does Nationalism in a country half a world away from you benefit YOUR cause? Wouldn't the elimination of the US and their sphere of influence be of more use to the brazilian people than a further extension of their power?

>Christianity defend we have the same rights we are different but we can live together, opposite to we are all equal communism bullshit
You can't both be different and have the same rights. A foreigner doesn't get the same rights as a native Brazilian, correct? No right to vote, no right to stay, etc.
Equally the idea of coexistence is idiotic. To prosper a state must expand, a people must grow. More people demand more land, Lebensraum you get the gist. Peaceful coexistence is the pretty lie you tell your neighbour until you're ready to take his stuff.

>Brazil in the sphere of influence.. blah blah blah
>...Anti-NATO propaganda
Brazil is under the influence of the Kremlin

>European nationstates
why should Europe be balkanized?
we need a strong united White Europe
we need to free Konigsberg
we have to break the red banners of the east and turn the kremlin into radioactive dust

Fag, pls. Instead of Valhalla, begging every libshit and jewish organization for saving and now just surrendering.

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>So global anti-globalism?
No, just nationalism.
>You have to understand, the best case scenario for any nation is if it is the only nation in existence. Why do you think jews are eroding the european nationstates? Because for jews any other collective identity with a strong in-group preference is a threat. The whole idea behind nationalism is that not everyone can get what they want, thus befriending everyone is stupid.
>Family/Blood comes first.
God comes first.
Nations can coexist as long people can coexist too. We should have many distinct nations with a strong self-identy in the world and they don't need to be enemies but allies or friends. Jews does not want this that's why they need be removed. You are using the jew logic to affirm your actions because the jews are the only one that think they must exist alone reigning about the world.
>How does Nationalism in a country half a world away from you benefit YOUR cause? Wouldn't the elimination of the US and their sphere of influence be of more use to the brazilian people than a further extension of their power?
Any nationist place is a stand against globalism.

>You can't both be different and have the same rights.
Yes, we can we don't need have equal rights a foreign have no the same rights as a citizen but he have the right to live and be treated with respect.
>Equally the idea of coexistence is idiotic. To prosper a state must expand, a people must grow. More people demand more land, Lebensraum you get the gist. Peaceful coexistence is the pretty lie you tell your neighbour until you're ready to take his stuf
Did you ever heard of "trades"?

We need just Greece, Italy, Germany, England, France exist they way they are and not become a socialist communist block invaded by globalism.

Europe strong helps all the world.