why were they so commonplace just a few years ago and why are they frowned on everywhere now? politically why is this?

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because they're unhealthy as fuck, dumbass

vapes contain HRT that turn men into catbois

The Jews don't want you to get lung cancer

A bikini in the woods seems like a bad idea. But then again so do women as a concept.

yeah is it something to do with hormones maybe?

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We will decimate you faggots

Cigarettes are bad for your lungs and you shouldn't smoke. Any Forums doesn't like anti-smoking campaigns because:

1. They're embraced by leftist pussies
2. They're trying to force people to do things "for their own good" which is always retarded faggortry
3. There are plenty of jew run organizations pushing for the end of smoking, many of whom probably have some ulterior motive to simply improving public health

Any Forums assumes that if some group is in favor of pushing something like anti-smoking, then the thing they're pushing against must be the opposite of whatever they say it is. Therefore people will come in here and tell you that smoking is good for you or "based and redpilled", or give you some anecdote about "my grandpa smoked for 60 years and he was FINE!"

Just hang out around regular smokers. Their teeth are yellowed, their walls of their homes are dingy and coated in brownish gunk. Their faces are cracked and craggy from smoke. Their lung capacity is that of 98 year olds with pulmonary fibrosis and mesothelioma from inhaling asbestos. It's abundantly evident from being around such people that smoking is detrimental to your health. With that said, nobody should be encouraged or stopped from smoking. Everyone stupid enough to smoke should be allowed to do so blissfully and cheaply. Why would I want to protect the stupid from themselves? I certainly wouldn't and don't. Let them suck on their cancer sticks heartily until they get COPD and drown in the fluids of their own failing scarred lungs. What the fuck do I care?

>lung cancer
>ovarian cancer
>colorectal cancer
>heart attacks
>heart failure
>chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder [emphysema/chronic bronchitis]
>smells really bad and your neighbors probably hate you [smokers wont be able to tell how it smells]
>higher risk of blood clots
>way higher risk of stroke
>higher risk of autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematous)

its all a net negative

also nicotine wrinkles the skin

Is there a basketball game I don't know about?

>Out of fullness of the heart does the mouth speak

Nigger smoke my cock stop rambling

a lot of this makes sense, but why ban something the health industry can make money off? thats poor business right?

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Yeah,smokers might die if they don't quit.
Right, burger?

They make you smell like shit and ruin your voice.

Because they raise testosterone and defend your lungs against covid.

They make you smell like smoke. Chopping off your dick will make you smell like shit

Cigars > Cigs
Not supposed to inhale tobacco smoke.

smoking mina looks like she might have been heavily blacked in the woods. dirty slut.


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Nicotine is a proven nootropic, it literally is one of the few substances that boost IQ test performance. Jews don’t want you to know this.

When cigarettes were prevalent art and music was better and women were women and men were men.

checked and yeah this is along the lines i was thinking

what do you mean the health industry makes money off it?

it burdens the health industry. i m ean maybe not in the states, but in places with public healthcare, yeah. All these old fuckers with 20 different diseases who need home care and beds and shit.

i saw one dude, smoked for 50+ years. huge tumor in his colon. it was ready to burst. i poked it. anyway he ended up with a poop bag.

Grow a pair.

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you probably smell bad, hans

yes anons, its true, smoke ciggies all day and ruin your heart and lungs for an IQ test boost!

take some real nootropics you chud niggers

Alchohol opiates and weed lobbying.

Says the guy who eats a box of twinkies daily.

Can confirm. I am vaping right now and also identify as a catboi. Considering cutting off my peenus as well. One more puff and I'll do it.

Cool it with the insults, my name is Achmed.
Also stop projecting your own laziness onto others. If you were to brush your teeth more often or take a shower, you wouldn't have those issues.

do you want to be so breathless you can't walk to the bathroom? lol

do you want a heart attack at age 40?

do you want to get half your colon chopped off and your asshole sewn shut?

do you want to be coughing up blood? or getting a cold and it turns into a chest infection?

after big surgeries, smokers can't smoke, so they go crazy. its called delirium.

the tobacco plant bonds with cesium and when you get cesium in your lungs you tend to die around 65, nobody smoked in this country before ww1 when cigarettes were given out to soldiers and then Bernays convinced women to smoke by telling them they wished they had a dick and the cigarette could be their dick

all of this done to save on end of life care

post webm desu!

It's the fire safe chemicals on the paper to make it burn slower. I smoke a pipe and hookah and have no problems. Also less addictive, I go whole days without smoking no problem.

>what do you mean the health industry makes money off it?
end of life care is very expensive so we save a lot of medicare covered nursing home treatment because the people are dead

Nonwhites are more likely to be affected by smoking.
We can't let minorities be weaker than white people.

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Just don't smoke a pack a day, faggot lol. lmao even.

it's poison

Nicotine has been proven to enhance mental function and memory.
There's currently a study using it as a treatment for alzheimers.
Obviously a dumber, more forgetful populace is better.
People forget how they tried to scare people to get vaccines with swine flu a decade ago, and nobody bought it.
Cancer also isn't a guarantee with smoking. There was a story on 112 year old man who smoked cigars everyday.

Yep. Tobacco has spiritual properties too, this is the primary reason they hate it. Jews can't pull their usual tricks on goyim that smoke,

They should bring back smoking inside bars.
Owner should be able to decide if they permit people to smoke there and non-smokers enter at their own risk.
This is just common sense.

This girl is just right in every way. A real catch in my opinion. Pretty, a little thick, no tats, creamy skin, just right tits. Give me a average girl like this any day. I wouldn't call her a plain Jane even though it fits. Mostly because I would be very defensive of her feelers.