Just self improve bro

if guys like him get cucked what makes you think you can self improve your way to success?

Attached: Robert-Pattinson-Kristen-Stewart.jpg (1200x967, 239.11K)

>just be funny bro

She's so ugly man. Look at those ears kek. The fuck xD

ngmi with that attitude bro

He's a fag and she's a dyke, their "relationship" was purely for (You)'s for their shitty movies, both sucked and fucked producers/directors/dealers/tax collectors while "together", Hollywood is a big nosed lie

Imagine it without makeup

Both of them drank blood to get their success.

How much do you get paid to make this post. Your last one got archived. You’re not getting a bump from me

Being good-looking will get you as much pussy as you want, but if you actually want to keep a girl after banging her, you've gotta have SOME game, and Pattinson is a complete beta cuck.
The trouble with many self-improooovers is that they do things backwards. They read PUA crap about game when they should first be improving their looks.

Be rich and attractive if you want a girl, have a 12 inch cock if you want to keep her. If you don't have these things then it's your fault that you can't satisfy her.

ei mölise mu printsessiga

>Be rich
You become her sugar daddy bf while she continues keeping her options open and/or fucking the jailbird Chads who won't even pay for dinner
Only works for the initial interactions. Unless you're a guy who can reinvent his looks every 3 months with haircuts or style you will be on your way to a dead bedroom between 6-12 months
>12 inch cock
Fun for her for the initial dates but chances are she's shoved bigger things up her twat and that won't keep her interest very long (pun intended).

I really hate sounding all black pilled but dating is truly fucked. Chads are getting cheated on, rich dudes are basically getting stolen from and dumped, it's just straight up fuckery if you choose to date now
>t. 10 month relationship currently, ready to ghost her and change my number/address

He is not the first actor to be cucked.

you can have an 8 inch dong and the bitch will still cheat, i don't care anymore, the women i see from now on are not guaranteed loyalty.

Probably shouldn't use satanic narcissists as a basis of comparison.

if kstew wasn't gay she and robert pattinson would've been a thing. It would have been so kino. I hate the gay

>I really hate sounding all black pilled but dating is truly fucked
you know it's bad when the unvaccinated women are still turbo sluts

Very much so and they're just as bad off of dating sites. If they aren't turbo sluts then they come with their pick of mental illnesses that can break through the most alpha dude's ego and leave him as an empty shell.

It’s so much more over than anons can possibly imagine
>self improve to get pussy
>self improve to get love
Women will only love you for a year or two tops, when the butterflies go away you are in for a world of hurt

Yeah but now he's with pic related, together for the past 4 years.

Attached: OIP-C (1).jpg (474x474, 27.46K)

Why are you under the belief that self improving or being naturally good looking means life isn't going to cause you problems and misfortunes?
Do you think a perfect world exists?

kill yourself celeb worshipping/following faggot
Gossiping little Any Forums cuck.

Self improvement threads are part of the “sexual hierarchy” psyop. Women eventually have to buy what you’re selling unless you go for the unilateral rape option. Ultimately you are kept a slave to the mutable and ever changing whims of women.

Moving target. Just rape ‘em!

I didn't even realize until recently that KStew is a Jew. That one flew under my radar.

Try not dating mentally ill whores.
Think she's a lesbo now.

no kidding i look like that but a little brown

Be more selective.

not all women are the same, only 99,99% of them. Just find the 0,01%