US president cum to the dress

>US president cum to the dress
>Let's impeach him!

>US president ruin US
>Did nuffing wrong

Explain this shit please.

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There is no explanation. Everything is fucked. Nuke us

Trump printed all the COVID relief money that lead to inflation kicking off. It is political boon for the GOP because the numbers only started to skyrocket a month after Trump left office.

Nothing Biden did in in his first month could cause record inflation. It was due to structural issues he inherited.

The $2200 in covid relief was nothing. It was spent immediately. The federal reserve giving backrock unlimited money to buy everything was the cause.

>Under Trump, 40% of all USD ever created are printed
>Inflation kicks in
>this is Biden's fault
lmao nigger


Why no inflation during Trump rulership then?

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Clinton wasn't impeached for muh cummies, he was impeached for perjury

>Yeltsin destroyed the Russian economy
>Did nuffing wrong

Explain this shit please.

This is why you're poor, user.

>Why no inflation during Trump rulership then?
Because there is delay from printing money to inflation appearing. Around 2021 the entire Western world started to see high inflation rate as a result of COVID money printing. It would have inevitably happened under Trump as well had he stayed in office.

I view these things rationally. Presidents aren't kings. Biden hasn't done anything to cool inflation, but it's not his fault really. Same way I don't blame Trump for the COVID recession since it was a global pandemic that crashed every economy in the world.

>Clinton wasn't impeached for muh cummies, he was impeached for perjury


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The president has no real power, only the executive branch. The legislative branch controls the budget, the judiciary controls the courts. The president has no power over those.

It's a power vacuum, which is why you get all this crazy shit.

Right now Dems hold the majority in both houses so there’s no point to impeachment since it would instantly be shut down (as the attempts to do so already have).
If there really is a Red Wave/Tsunami/Great Flood this November we might see one.

at the start of the year i moved my whole 401k for US mid-cap stuff into the company i work for: Northrop Grumman

I'm up like 20% this year lmao

from*, not for

Dems don't like the economy.

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CORRUPTION you dimwitted asshat

because americans are cucks and can't accept the truth.

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everything at the store is like twice as expensive

Words don't mean what they used to now that clown world is in full force. Only the lies that NPCs hear on their tv is what matters.

This is Cunningham's Law because you want someone to post the graph, isn't it?

Yes. This is the type for the Anglo-Saxons the biggest violation - to lie under oath. We had to shift the focus from this bullshit. Well, they started bombing Yugoslavia.
Local English speakers should confirm my words.