Slavs are the niggers of the white race

I rest my case.

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If you don't like it, you can GET OUT OF GER*ANY


Looks like a cloudier california. Subsequently it looks like london.

>Looks like a cloudier california. Subsequently it looks like london.
I am both horrifed and disgusted by the world that exists outside of france

what the hell have you non french fucks done with this planet

But it's all still there and in working order.

Italians and Greeks are extinct. It's all turks.

Let's just ignore the elephant in the room that is Paris and what it has become :(

Bulgarians are turks you retard

> Germany complaining about other countries
you better watch for yourself, ok?

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Paris? have you seen Marseilles and Lyon? Paris is not the only ghetto there

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>Yes, they are definitely niggers below the belt line. Is that a bad thing?

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Yep, if your entire infrastructure doesn't crumble to dust every 6 years, how are you going to sneak in reparation money into the infrastructure bills.

Because you cant improve what is perfect

If you don't like living in Slavdom ( of which Germania is a part) gtfo to Scatinavia

This is what western progress looks like.

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Seems ok. What am I looking for? Crime? Don't see it.

just add some neon and Japanese characters

West is progressing, but in reverse HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Looks like east Germany

french niggers are some of the most out of place fuckers in the world. right next to those niggers that were begging for aslyum coming from ukraine.

We are not slavs, we are turk mongolians, your meme proofs nothing

classic mutt

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Bro, your country is full of niggers
I can't walk 10 meters in Paris without a nigger asking for gibs

ayo, we b White nigga bruthas n sheeeit ma slavniggas!

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But they are in EU and NATO. Why don't they live like USA/Germany?

>Ukrop shitposting on Any Forums instead of dying for his jew
Fuck off, nigger. Aren't ypu supposed to die in some trench?

Are you really trying to say that niggers in france is normal? or niggers in ukraine? You know what, fuck you I hope the russians wipe you worthless ukrops from the face of the planet.