I ran an after school club with my English teacher in Hs called Students Together Against Racism (star) it was dope...

I ran an after school club with my English teacher in Hs called Students Together Against Racism (star) it was dope. High school clubs always seemed like the most effective way to be out of the blanket of bs school control

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first post in a fed thread woo

How many 18 year old black kids murder white people?

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she'd rather him kill his own kind

Isn't it strange how nobody is asking why modern high schoolers are so obsessed with racial theories in the first place? Why do white male highschoolers even feel the need to look this stuff up today? Maybe they should stop with the institutionalized anti white hatred? It didn't used to be like this

I was never racist growing up. After college I then realized how disgusting niggers and kikes are. 1488

stopped reading at "black folks buying"

I remember in HS the clubs were pretty cool, we would get together and watch movies, play vidya, etc.

It's really weird to me how people in high school today have to go on a fucking trip to Israel and have a seminar about the Holocaust and the JQ. It's so fucking bizarre.

Um I think it's all the race shit that made him mad in the first place. Seems like this suggestion would just push more kids over the edge.

It's funny I don't remember such racial tensions before the advent of anti-racism education.
Maybe it doesn't work as advertised.


No blacks, no racism!

Yes I’m sure more tiresome nigger centric curriculum would have prevented this

you act like everyone who notices/cares doesn't know already, and hasn't known for nearly the past decade.

>pushes for CRT in all schools/workplaces
>creates even more resentful white people
Are they retarded or actually trying to instigate a civil war? Actually nvm we all know it’s the latter.

>Maybe it doesn't work as advertised.
Maybe not as advertised, but it's more than working in it's intent

It was a FURRY


>It's really weird to me how people in high school today have to go on a fucking trip to Israel and have a seminar about the Holocaust and the JQ. It's so fucking bizarre.

This. It's all so tiresome.

>afterschool club
its for nerds. nobody likes nerds

That's right, start teaching REAL history.

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Nigga, you gay