I like the aesthetics of the redpilled right but lately I am starting to think that ideologically my heart isn't in it...

I like the aesthetics of the redpilled right but lately I am starting to think that ideologically my heart isn't in it anymore. I hate the group of jews that control the media and banking but I just don't have any reason to hate the young Jewish couple who live next to me, or my black postman who is nice to my dog. These are just people trying to get by, like everyone else. I'm not looking to turn the world into a hugbox or anything - the reason I started identifying with the right is because I thought it was more clear eyed than the left and less self-deluded about human nature, but lately rightist discourse seems more interested in finding enemies to blame for personal disappointments in life than articulating a vision for society, which is just as cucked as anything the left calls for. Aside from that it's just a bunch of boomers hero worshipping that retard Donald Trump because they still have PTSD from weak sauce Obama being President even though he didn't even do anything different.
>Is the modern right interested in any sort of vision for society or is it all just about hating the enemy now?

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Only retards buy into an ideology out of aesthetics.

>Is the modern right interested in any sort of vision for society or is it all just about hating the enemy now?

That's because the "redpilled right" it is part of the russian long con.
Yuri tried to warn you. But everybody here assumed he only talked about the left, the libtards, the troons etc.
No, he specifically included (you) in the group that was targeted for agitation and propaganda.

Attached: yuri bezmenov.jpg (500x362, 24.56K)

>red vs blue

Attached: 1603625193792.gif (250x277, 1.88M)

The left has become too powerful. We can't afford to let them have all the power. They're trying to turn us into the USSR.

Well, the way I see it, is I am owed sex. Either I get it, or there's going to be some very nasty consequences. We need a representative, who finally solves the sexual market problem, and yes, I have no problem with a solution being forcing women to have sex with me at gunpoint

Both sides are behaving more and more like retarded children. If they just spoke to eachother normally instead of trying to own eachother all the time and doing all the whataboutism stuff they'd probably get some good outcomes. Politicians and the media are just making it worse too because they're always doing the red team blue team thing

I agree
The problem is the far right at large refuses to live in reality. I was shocked at the level of support for the retard who did the Buffalo shooting. These kinds of worldviews are only possible from being terminally online. There's nothing trad about sitting inside all day devoting your time to hating trannies and niggers. You faggots. Being J-woke doesn't mean you can't go outside and have a healthy outward-facing social life.
I'm still right wing and I've met a lot of brilliant right wing people. You're not going to find them on this board, or a GOP rally.

>I am owed sex

>but lately rightist discourse seems more interested in finding enemies to blame for personal disappointments in life
Every fucking time. "Here is objective proof of hatred and institutional discrimination against my people." "You just don't like your job."

I contribute taxes

Treating every individual like the statistic is as foolish as ignoring statistics.

Pol isnt a cult, its up to you to decide what you take with you and what you leave behind.

At the end of the day ironically this is the one place that will accept you no matter what.while calling you a faggot ofcourse

based kike

>i have no reason to hate the jewish couple next door
Never relax, they are a cunning, backstabbing bunch. No matter how rich or poor the kikes are, they will never publicly admit their crimes that their people are responsible for committing throughout history. They will call u antisemitic for ever bringing it up.

Your cousins still didn’t shut down this:



I work for the betterment of society, by contributing taxes. So I think I deserve to be happy, and I need sex to be happy, however women only want Chad. So government regulations need to be put in place to fix this serious issue, that many young men are experiencing

This is exactly the sort of schizo shit that I'm talking about. What good does getting consumed with hatred over two people that have done nothing to me do? It's just looking for enemies to blame and spazz out about rather than advancing a vision for the sort of society I think we should be trying to build.

>old Any Forums was about racial IQ and crime statistics
>nu Any Forums is about demons vs angels, where a satanic elite rules all poor christians

I mean... if you're unironically posting on Any Forums and you're not doing much, then yeah you're probably projecting your hatred online. i don't think that's uncommon at all.

Have you considered lifting every once in a while, paying attention to your appearance, buying some decent clothes and developing a sense of humor? Seems easier than enslaving half the population because "you deserve to be happy".

Most people on the right believe it’s not that you hate what is in front of you, it’s that you love what it’s sheltering behind you. Family, ancestors, history, values, etc. If all you’re getting is “hate this one” then all you do is shitpost, you don’t read any philosophy, you likely don’t exercise or do self improvement, and I doubt you study history or economic theory or anything like that. Improve yourself a bit OP.

It's not 2008, retard. Everyone uses this site; it's not ten neets posting from basements. You want to know why this shooting is going to have a relatively limited media run? Because despite his retard tactics, the shit he said in his manifesto is both completely correct and highly resenant with what most conservative youth know to be true.