How do i stop being crazy?

not posting on pol or not browsing the internet at all doesnt help to undo what browsning this board every day for years has done to my mind what so ever.

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Everyone else is crazy

you are here forever. there is no other place like it and once glowniggers shut it down it will be the end of an era for the internet

You can't recover from getting daily doses of truth. The world is crazy, and you're the sane fish in a pond of craziness.

this. theres no way to unsee what we now know

The people that thrive in this insane world are the crazy ones.

You can't go back to unseeing everything you saw, pretending like it doesn't exist. The only way to correct it is to dig deeper until you can discredit everything you've taken as fact.

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i think im gunna go ted k mode. but even then i go crazy. I smashed my monitor back in decemeber to stop me from using the internet and only bought new one last month. It increased my productivity and sleep schedule but at the same time i start slipping into instanity because i spend the entire day literally talking to myself in full blown conversation for hours straight since i had no one to talk to and nothing to distract myself with when i wasnt working out. I also kept fucking prostitutes which became too expensive

Huh. Same. Try lurking moar and not bringing up this subject again user, you’re a faggot because you made me lucid.

>incessent talking to ones self
Don't think this is a bad thing. Tesla's father regularly had deep intellectual conversations with himself and various other personalities he concocted, for hours. Deep debates and argumentative ideation.

Many if not all of the greatest minds also talked to themselves, in some cases to the extreme of days on end.

Just accept it. You're here because the majority of world is full of stupid people.

i do think it is a good thing to talk to yourself but the thing is i have talked to myself so much that i have nothing else left to talk about which is why i ended up going back to Any Forums again.

Why would coming here be a bad idea? You get to idea exchange with similarly minded autists at your own pace, in your own time.

Bud, I have zero friends and still have a wife and 2 kids. Zero friends. I get zero intellectually stimulating conversation in real life. Zero. I know zero people that I can discuss the implications of the epic of gilgamesh or memetic ideation or even just simple hobbies.

Forums, especially anonymous forums, are an outlet for you to learn by process of expression and the resulting feedback. It's why there are so many you-farmers here, like that nightly australian idiot who claims he wants to kill himself but never does.

Don't come here for the attention, come here to learn and yet be wary of glownigger influence that wants to mislead you.

if thats what they call normal then id rather be insane

It's important to take time away from the internet and pursue your private interests and hobbies so that you aren't just a memeball. Read a book or something.

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I'm confused, did you lose your glowie handler or are you the glowie handler looking for a new victim? Well either way, go fuck your mother faggot.

Alright, I'll give you all the real redpill. The truth is glowniggers took this place over around 2014-2016, and they've been monitoring it ever since. Now the REAL redpill is that even though glowniggers pretend to hate us, and despite that we're all actively being MK ULTRA mind fucked beyond recognition... Despite all of that, even the fucking glowniggers believe the things we post. They have inadvertently MK ULTRA'd themselves, and now they believe the same things that we believe. That's the only reason why Any Forums is still active. If the things we posted weren't true, they would've killed this board a long time ago.

The real redpill is that the CIA/Mossad/etc are in full-on damage control.

Why you so weak that you get influenced by a comedy board?


>implications of the epic of Gilgamesh

Wew lad no wonder you don’t have any friends

Have you read it?

no that bait works

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I got a PhD so I can tell ppl to eat a dick

The world being an evil and absurd place doesn't mean you have to be crazy. Stay physically active, eat meat fish and veggies and drink your tea. You'll be fine.