Hey larpers

hey larpers
refute THIS

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Thousands of years, not one christian academic refuted it...Truly, you start and end with the Greeks

Le epic reddit atheist skepticism trend died years ago please go back to 2011 you old headed ass nigga

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>all-good god
So many strawmen in this chart
God’s pissed off and kind of twisted
Get over it fag


I'm refuting this.
Free will implies the existence of evil. If you can't do evil things, it's not true free will.
Therefore there is no possible universe with free will but without evil.
That doesn't make God not all-powerful.

>Truly, you start and end with the Greeks

So ... all one giant circlejerk. ;)

Ahahahahahahaha! :D

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the left can't meme

Take into consideration most of humanity is of the same evil that it complains about. People have the power to stop evil themselves but they don't. They sit down in front of their computers. Accountability is key but no man wants to admit the evil they do. It's evil happening to evil beings. Also God creates evil for the evildoers.

>god must have my morality
midwits deserve execution

Well said

>does God want to prevent evil

Assuming you could ever possibly understand what God wants or even what God is, mistake number one is always using your own understanding of reality and your own set of moral values to make claims about what God would/should do

Why would you even want to live in a reality where evil doesn't exist? Can you even imagine or understand what kind of hell that would be

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You can't have free will without evil, gods laws are there for your choice.. it's optional. It's up to you, and your free will, to do good. Creating it with free will but without the free will choice to be evil, wouldn't be free will. It's a fallacy

Epicurus is a typical late roman, decadent and oversensitive to suffering. A bit like modern day new age cultists who need to ENJOY everything and everything needs to be FUN.
That over aim for joy and fun removes the principle of struggle in life. Struggle/suffering is a sometimes a necessity for improvement.
So for that reason Epicurus is a degenerate, but, his gay reasoning about good and evil is ok. He's better than Plato and Socrates.

God accepts evil because he thinks humans should have free will. Sometimes he will intervene like in the case of the flood but it's rare.

>Assuming you could ever possibly understand what God wants or even what God is, mistake number one is always using your own understanding of reality and your own set of moral values to make claims about what God would/should do
Excellent insight my brother. We are of one mind on this matter. We are so imperfect and limited in perception yet people presume their 5 senses and so on are enough to get everything.

I know your tiny pea brain won't understand this, but maybe God is more intelligent and alot more complex that you toilet cleaners.

Epicureans were the atheists of their time. Aurelius pretty much dismantled most of their arguments even though he talks about their way of thinking as a possibility and not a certainty.

squiggly jewish lines are gay and yuor dumb. checkmate

Leibniz defense hinges on free will, which I don't find very plausible.
Standard Islamic interpretation of "everything God does is good" provides a much simpler resolution, even if the implications of it are horrible.
Something similar can be said of Calvinism.

This. Nigger reddit atheists don't understand anything about religion

God does not prevent evil, God gives you free will. If you do not want to be evil, then you can do good. If you are not evil, then you have free will.

>decadent and oversensitive to suffering

So, a fag. Go figure.

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We were made as man as we are. As good and omnipotent ad god is, to give us free will to be moral rather than mechanical (true life) he cannot guarantee the outcome. Evil is not a metaphysical force, it is us mere mortals grasping at straws tomundetstand the good. You do not know what evil is. If an earthquake hits Lissabon, man may decree it evil, but it must be the best possible world.

Or are you so presumptious to conflate your pleasures with the good?

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Nah too bored to "refute" kikes all fucking day

Fuck your genetically degenerate jews and your dead religion judaism, LONG live Christ and His Church, Orthodoxy.

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This one is easy. Lets just jump to evil existing because of free will fallen angels, we get to the satan. So why did God create Satan begin with if he would know satan bad? Only God knows.
Why is God not destroying satan? He is. It just not happening the way euphoric tippers would like it to happen. God does not make things for them like some petty servant. You serve God and shut your mouth, that’s the deal.

By the way, the point of everything existing is not so that there would be no evil. The point is something bigger. Bluehaired faggots and cunts think everything should be nice or that’s the purpose.