>Downed Russian fighter jets are being found with basic GPS 'taped to the dashboards'



Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-16 um 08.54.19.png (1384x1218, 2.31M)

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>Globohomo says:...

>everything that doesnt fit my narrative is globalism

>Hey we can put this $30 unit in our antiquated fighter jet to help the pilot navigate

Attached: super-retard-2552774382.jpg (460x241, 23.2K)

Is this before or after the ghost of Kiev saved Ukraine?

Russian jets were carrying food for kids. Horrible war crime

>another „Kraut“flagg posting dumb emotional shit
How german of you Taras


Attached: 61E33DFA-4F18-45BB-88A4-968518869A69.jpg (474x266, 25.61K)

>trump colluded with Russia to win election
>two more weeks to flatten the curve
>the vaccine is safe and effective
You honestly deserve to die for falling for this shit constantly

Why the fuck would you even bother lying about this? What fucking modern military plane doesn't have basic gps? Do they expect us to believe they're flying around in biplanes like the fucking Red Baron? Just such utter bullshit, I hate journos so goddamn much.

>cold era navigation equipment sucks balls
No shit. I'm not surprised they're using commercial GPS , for better situational awareness.

Your Vatniks got so fucking mindbroken by the Ghost of Kiev story, it's hilarious. Still repeating it like retards more than two months after the story,

>"basic gps"

So does it not do gps stuff?

And yet people still believe in all your statements.

It didn't cost a $100k to install therefore it's bad

Oh look everyone the French guy has an opinion

uninvolved in the thread and debate, but this is such an excellent specimen of both COPE and SEETHE that I must document it with a (YOU). [If you make fun of retarded shit I've parroted, you are MINDBROKEN]

>Appear weak when you are strong
Just begging you to come to the front door and knock, eh?
Hopefully there's an American general who sees beyond.
I'm sure there is, so far.

>uk defense minister

Attached: 1647272763660.png (600x500, 248.96K)

Everyone does shit like that. I used to fly with software called Falconview that I fed GPS data with a small GPS puck stuck to the aircraft. It also received data from things like Link16. You could even have it show LOS for adversary weapon systems, though I only used that for pre-mission (along with other means of flight planning). Not everything is advanced as the F-35.

Attached: Falconview.jpg (954x636, 713.04K)

>The Jews says:

My government pays $100 for staplers to make sure they work correctly every single time you push.

so no encryption?

Most people writing about the "war" know next to nothing about the subject matter. They've probably never heard of GLONASS. They also love to post the MiG-29UB that has no AI radar.

Attached: Another Fulcrum B.jpg (1024x683, 117.77K)

Are you willfully ignorant or just retarded?

It was real in your mind

This one is suspicious. My understanding is that civil land nav and civil aviation GPS have certain protocols built into them to make them not suited for military navigation. The rumor is that non aviation GPS has an altitude + speed cut out so that they can't be used as guidance for improvised aloha snackbar cruise missiles. I want to say that civil aviation GPS gives off a signal so that it can be tracked from the ground.

That’s not how gps works. Russians use a different system anyways.

What the fuck where are all the good threads? This fucking slide shit I will shit down your throat glowie bastards

>be uk defence minister
>get pranked by russian radio comedians


you're not transmitting anything when using gnss

The protocols are a lie. They have a bunch of protocols. The US has the same, the EU has the same, Russia has the same. It's a meme.

>TIL fighter jets have dashboards, do they have somwhere for me to hang my little trees?

Russians have glonass