Which is pols choice of meat?

which is pols choice of meat?

Lamb vs Chicken?

Attached: lamb vs chicken.jpg (1000x560, 210.97K)

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Chicken. I had lamb once and I was no fan


Chicken for everyday life. Lamb for special occasions. Barbacoa.

Both are good, and biblically clean.

I cant afford lamb because my country is ran by jews

any basic lamb recipe reccs?

All the meats plus low gi vegetables

Beef. Corn-fed Texas beef. Bone-in tomahawk ribeye.

Yes. And a 40oz top sirloin please.

I love lamb, but I think it might be too rich for everyday.

Chicken cutlet is my favorite food ever

Attached: crispy-italian-breaded-chicken-cutlets-3.jpg (1200x1800, 387.23K)

Lamb is for alphas only.

I leave the GMO infused chicken to you

Both are cannibalism so I abstain.

Imagine paying $14 a pound for a bone

Lamb is for kikes who like eating children

Yogurt lamb kabobs


i prefer red meat
simple as

Bison is where it’s at. Especially huckleberry bison sticks.

How the fuck can you even compare the two? Don't you have any tastebuds?

I got a whole FFA show lamb in the freezer, don't know how to cook it as I didn't grow up eating lamb.

the correct answer

Lamb vs. Chicken? When is that even a thing? Both are totally different and the base for completely different meals.

Meat is bad for you. Humans aren't meant to eat it either. Its all about fruits and vegetables, that's what makes a healthy body and mind.

You're a fucking tasteless piece of shit. No joke. beef-lamb gyros are fucking delicious. Your pallet is a joke.

The decent cuts you can treat like steak, but serve with new potatoes and mint sauce*.
Boned joints should be done slowly over time, literally stick sprigs of rosemary into the joint for cooking and baste with it's own juices, serve with a red wine based gravy.
Ribs done the same as beef ribs, but again red wine and thyme based marinade, no "barbecue sauce", plumb based sauces (normally for duck) do work.
Anything else can be used to make a proper shepherds pie, again with thyme, peas, and diced carrots. Do not put anything other than proper butter in your mashed potatoes, and the "filling" should be like a very thick bolognese sauce.

>I leave the GMO infused chicken to you
actually chickens are very small and mature very fast. they are never injected with hormones or antibiotics.

I like to eat lamb whenever I can since I can't reliably get it where I live.

Then why have humans been eating meat for thousands of years if we weren't meant to eat it?