Why doesn't the right care about stopping white nationalist terrorism?

Why doesn't the right care about stopping white nationalist terrorism?

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I do not care about this topic.

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Who gives a fuck if a red SUV commits crimes, glowmo shekelstein?

But user, conservatives are not right-wing.

>your brain on Any Forums

Conservatives are liberals. That's philosophically correct, you're just been hoodwinked.

Why doesn’t the left care about stopping pavement ape terrorism?

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BLM didn‘t kill people retard

OP why don't you care about the terrorism blacks cause every fucking day all across this country?
go back you fucking tourist

>Conservatives on Any Forums

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Nigger lives don't matter to most people

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because it's their team, retard

Wasn't that blm that pulled that white guy out of his truck and killed him?

conservatives are just liberals from a few years ago, they conserve nothing

this. Its so crazy how liberal they are. Who knows whats coming next. I am voting democrat because unironically they are more conservative than republicans.

Around three dozen people died from the George Floyd riots. Also over a billion dollars damage.

It is illegal to do a mass shooting . What her point ?

A bunch of people died in those riots from blm you fucking retard

They destroyed businesses ,property, and ruined entire cities by running police out of jobs. More blacks die everyday now from black on black crime than before the BLM movement took off.

there are more than 20x more abortions than homicides. Why do Republicans only care about the bigger problem of innocents killed instead of only caring about a small percentage of mass murders committed by people democrats hate?

Caption should be: faggots when they realize that abortions killed more of their precious nigger cattle than even niggers shooting other niggers

Oof you're wrong tho