What do Indigenous people actually want long term? Eviction of large swathes of land? Mineral rights...

What do Indigenous people actually want long term? Eviction of large swathes of land? Mineral rights? Exclusive land use rights?

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They want all 3000 of them that that managed to produce after all this time to control like 20% of the planet so it can just get straight up invaded and taken over by China like the week after they gain independence.

I know in the US some like the Navajo and some one in the Northern Plains which I forgot the name of want them to have independence and/or UN membership

They just want (to varying degrees) hold the whip of society.

Marshall Islands is the goal.
>complete political independence
>still gets 99% of its GDP from US foreign aid

Depends on the tribe but the Lakota for example want nothing more than for the US to honour the treaty that they signed, plus UN membership.

Seems reasonable to me.

>What do Indigenous people actually want long term?
That's the point, no one actually cares what they want

Much like everyone else, what the average indigenous man on the street wants will be vastly different to what the elites who claim to represent him want

That's not how shit works. You can do defense treaties or agreements lol

>tfw have unironically come to think European Americans need to leave America and return to Europe as the only practical reality with respect to justice
I say this as a 'white' person.

Indigenous people want practical things, to be lifted out of poverty, get an education, a decent job and so on. Their leaders however want to keep the gravy train running.

In the 60s their white benefactors decided for them that they wanted a more communal system. Everything would be decided collectively by committee, thus stamping out "capitalist exploitation" like natives owning their own land and businesses. The land would own collectively and run by committees that naturally would be controlled by their political supporters and the government, requiring funding and new departments and so on.

It was not long before this system became corrupt to the core, most natives were reduced to living in trailers in poverty and it has not changed to this day. Most believe their tribal leaders are working in their own interest, their propaganda blames their poverty on racists and such refusing to give their leaders the necessary funding to lift them out of poverty, compounded by the fact there is indeed a lot of racism and the fact people who criticize the levels of corruption generally also argue to reduce funding.

Logically the corruption is a separate issue and increasingly natives are beginning to realize this and how it hurts them just as much as racism and callousness from the outside world, however the propaganda is strong. Humans are tribalistic with an "us versus them" mentality and have a lot of pride.

You're mentally ill

It would solve everything. America should be for Americans.

The white man to go back to where they came from
The buffalo to return

>Justice is a Platonic form that exists independently of actual people having the power to enact it in the world


White Americans should return to Europe and make Europe white again.

lol what passes for white in America "returning to Europe" would forever consign the continent to becoming one giant Algeria

That's how it currently is.
Defense treaty in exchange for land use and taxation.


Many of the native people I’ve known live like working class rural whites—pickup trucks, blue collar jobs, country music, high rates of military service—and are more “American” than the typical atomized urban bugman. Id say they want the same things rural whites want along with some cultural and political autonomy.

At what point do I become native? My family has been here for hundreds of years, do I have to wait another 1000?

You have to go back

Chinese unification. taiwan aborigines overwhelmingly support the kuomintang, and the ROC (Real Original China) along with it

Attached: chinagreatagain.jpg (512x512, 62.01K)

2 more weeks chiangbros

not get genocided you clown?

Ever been to a res? It’s fucking hell. They are the poorest communities in the country. Most “natives” are half white or Mexican or less. Meth and alcohol abuse is rampant. The agricultural production is sub par and most Aggie towns are poor to begin with. The governments are corrupt as fuck with human trafficking, addiction, domestic violence, anti white racism, poaching game to extirpation, and the police being used by tribal councils as a gas huffing gestapo as the societal norm. Anyone who has any potential to make anything of themselves leaves and never returns. The ones who stay do so because they won’t survive off their government gibs anywhere else. Which it’s telling about how bad their substance abuse is since I’m a banker and the average tribal check I see deposited is between 1400-2000 dollars. Per month. Children also collect this. Per month. And they still live in fucking squalor. You will see some LARPing AIM revolutionary wannabes pretending they will ever be an actual nation instead of a run down welfare state but all they ever do is shoot road signs and run their mouths between pulls on a 40 in a brown bag. I went hunting with an exes family on the rez once. This amounted to twenty plus drunk injuns driving woods and forcing a fork buck into a corral and trying to convince the white boy to be the one to stab it. Some zit faced teenager stumbled in and did it and got a couple busted ribs trying to show off. This all occurred out of season. I’ve been written a ticket for being white vaguely close to a reservation and the prick lied about where he pulled me over (off res) but tribal judge just wanted the white mans money. Fuck native culture.

>Kuomintang spends years discriminating against you and suppressing your identity in favor of Han Chinese emigres
>support the Kuomintang

The KMT has traditionally been very friendly and interactive with the Taiwanese aboriginal peoples. However, the more independent "Greens" have been not especially outgoing to the aboriginal peoples.

I am in support of helping natives, but not at the cost of my own people suffering. I know this may be a shocking concept to the far left, but whites aren't here to be slaves to guilt and racial masochism.

>European: Welp, here you go, you got your land back and are now independent and recognized by the UN. We won't oppress you anymore.
>Natives:YES! This is finally justice. I must go pray to ancestor sky beaver in river. Just let me inject this insulin shot and get in my Ford. Www.....wait. Where's my medicine? Where's my truck? What about electronics, education, industry and ... well everything?
>European:You can't have your cake and eat it too :)

Defense agreement with whom exactly? Also how many of those natives know how to maintain nuclear reactors? If they go down the fallout will be devastating to the entire planet. It’s almost like you “muh heckin natives land!” crowd don’t ever think anything through.

It's not their fault they don't know how to live like natural humans anymore, any more than it's your fault that you can't. Technology has enslaved us all and it sucks.

Unironically, from my one Taiwanese Aboriginal friend: if I support them, and they finally aren't all on Taiwan, maybe they'll let us go

Where do we apache go back to? Alaska?

Free money and land from whitey. Thats all.
T. Canadian

Okay, feel free to leave then

I'd guess that, at its core, what they want is inherently adversarial to american power and so it's either managed decline or immediate self-annihilation.

The indigenious community generally does not have a conclusive "this is our goal" but instead lives somewhere between capitulation and success with most of the money funneled into elite cartel type bosses who run casinos/control the land rights and syphon the money away to themselves while barely giving anything back to the community keeping them in a state of perpetual poverty as they need a certain number of people in the community to protect their land rights and protest on their behalf.

You're no longer European. Stay away.

And I’m thankful for the fact every day. Stay broke peon

This is what I would give them
1. Wealth fund meant to fund native businesses, education, etc.
2. Investment in law enforcement, solve the targeted murders of Native women and other issues
3. Celebration of and investment in Native Culture, languages, etc.

In return any talk of separatism or independence has to go. We will make sure Natives are prosperous Americans, bur they have to be part of the USA.


Why do you believe they will be successful in a society they would not build if it was up to them?

we don't need to listen to you fucks who think you're better than everybody else but pretend to be buddy buddy like a two faced high schooler

Go back to Apallachia.

Maoris aren't indigenous

>Indigenous people want practical things, to be lifted out of poverty, get an education, a decent job and so on.
They have that in the ability to get US citizenship and live among Americans.
The tribal, pre-colonial way of life would be classified as poverty. Even living in a trailer is a practical improvement over living in a teepee.