How is this still possible?

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It's a hot dog. It probably costs $0.3/ each in bulk

It contains only garbage + taste good sauce

>what is a loss leader

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Economy of scale

loss leader

> “I came to [Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal] once and I said, ‘Jim, we can’t sell this hot dog for a buck fifty. We are losing our rear ends,’” Jelinek was quoted as saying. He then shared Sinegal’s response: “He said, ‘If you raise the effing hot dog, I will kill you. Figure it out.’”

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Youre eating ground up pig buttholes mixed with Covid-19 corpses is how

The $1.50 Costco hot dog is our generations moon landing.

>literal garbage food
>subsidised by the rest of the store to get people in


Even the pretend European figured it out

Let me guess:

You "need" more?

Soda costs .005¢

The pizza is a better deal. $10 for an 18inch is god-tier. I get one and have 2 slices per day, that's a decent lunch for 6 days.

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>How is this still possible?
glowies have to dispose of dissident bodies somehow..

we got a couple of costcos in my city and fuck the pizzas are dangerous
> huge
> actually tastes decent
> end up eating most of it and feeling gross for 3 days straight

no wonder you fuckers are fat

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The guy who runs Arizona tea said something similar. He's refusing to raise the price past like a buck or so

they've always sold these at a loss. its a service for their members.

It's what is known as a loss leader.
People enjoy the cheap deal and feel better about spending more money in the store.

It’s called a loss leader. It’s to get you into the store so you buy other shit that is profitable.

It's processed garbage that contains no nutritional value whatsoever.

yeah if you don't portion correctly that could be bad news, but for $10 it's a great deal.
what's wrong with pizza?

God bless him.

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I don't stopped going to Costco since they hate White people.

That was back when the deal was a buck.
Now Jelinek is dead.
You figure it out.

I can eat all of one except 2 slices easy. Whole one if I’m hungry. At work when I have someone with me I always eat a whole one for lunch and the fart and shit the whole rest of the day so people ask not to work with me and I don’t get bothered

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Loss leader - how many times have you fallen for the "I'll just get a hotdog" and walk out with 200 in groceries and clothes and yard equipment for your apartment.

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