You think he regrets this post?

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I don’t want white children to be at the mercy of colored criminals

>Are minorities treated badly in America or something?

No, non-whites hate whites in America. White Americans are not clamoring to move to Latin Americ, Africa and the Middle East, but the other way around happens all the time.

>yes we want revenge haha you scared?
Aren’t I supposed to be?

No, minorities aren't treated badly in white countries.

no minorities are treated the best in the world here. Those same minorities don't share the same empathy for others as we do

I wonder why

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No, non-White minorities are treated like royalty. White minorities get enslaved and exterminated.

Look at every city in America with a black or hispanic majority population.
If you can't understand why shitskin dominated hellscapes are bad, then you are as stupid as the shitskins that created all those hellscapes after they drove off the whites and asians by being violent, aggressive, murdering, rapist pieces of shit.


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>83.4% Confidence interval
The fuck is this garbage

Yes. Minorities are treated bad and will always be treated bad. It can't be changed, it's in our nature as a species. Only a child believes otherwise.

haha im just gonna break into your house and bring my entire extended family with me while not paying any rent and taxes. what? you scared?


the word "revenge" implies some sort of crime was committed against them

Minorities made of billions are being given our countries for free

>Why are white people scared about becoming a minority IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRIES? Are white people treated badly by kike golems and goatfuckers or something?
Yeah, a fucking mystery, I'm sure. Let's just pretend that the last three decades didn't happen.
As for your question, regret requires introspection, something that the kikes and their pet bioweapons are incapable of.

please explain for a statlet

Why does everyone including the founders of Black Lives Matter want to love in white neighborhoods?
Is there something wrong with minorities?

White people are the global minority

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Those white countries also ruined the other countries through colonization and wars, so you have no right to complain that they want to leave

Tell this bitch nobody likes black people, even our new overlords the Hispanic Catholics.

There is 0 chance Hispanics and Asians rate whites lower than blacks. This is retarded

Basically when you simulate the thing happening, that's the % of times that your results will be whatever your parameters are. Generally 95% CI is what you're looking for in acceptable data.