>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox)
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>Pres Trump Save America Rally in Greensburg PA 5/6/22 (Official) (RSBN)
>Pres Trump on RoseUnplugged 5/5/22
>Pres Trump Save America Rally in Greenwood NE 5/1/22 (Official) (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interview w/Piers Morgan 4/25/22 (pt1) (pt2)
>Pres Trump Save America Rally in Delaware OH 4/23/22 (Official) (RSBN)
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16
>NEVER COME DOWN (10hr ver) 8/11/16

OP pastebin:

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AWOO !!!
MAGA !!!

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What is this now?

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>so XI gets an aneurism
>faggleman gets a stroke
who else is getting "that means its working"??

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Nice tonk

Bless whoever did God's work in that corrupt shithole state

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Revirs then vent the fucker.


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Bot filter increments

cause i would be using the power of government to make changes in the world that I would like to see. I wouldn't be using the power of government to make changes I would hate, right?
So I mean there is SOME self serving motivation. It just so happens that what would make me happy would be an all white nation, where crime is really low, where business runs smoothly and there isn't so much social strife, there is a shared culture and a sense of racial belonging.
That would make ME very happy. Even if, my rural isolated ass, really never got to interact with it or be personally impacted by it much. Just seeing the news about new technology and the prices of commodities getting cheaper for people and there not being such god awful kike media influencing the populace. Even if no one else in the world wanted that, I would still want that.

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stop supporting kathy barnette in the PA senate primary. she is the worst possible pick and would get slaughtered in the suburbs:
1. she wanted to build a statue of president fucking obama in 2020 and believes in the debunked anti-white 1619 project by nikole hannah-jones, a writer from the new york times (this means she believes the united states was founded by slaves in 1619)
2. she was (and still is) a radical BLM supporter who constantly attacked white people
3. she claimed that russia is the big bad and trump was somehow influenced by them
4. she supports amnesty for illegal aliens already in the country
5. she believes that marriage licenses are racist
6. she was endorsed by club for growth (huge red flag) and the group has announced they will spend millions on her campaign
7. she lost to a democrat by 20 points in 2020 (if she can't win a simple district race, how can she hope to win the entire state?)
8. in that 2020 race, kathy barnette showed her true colors with statements like these (all on video):
>systemic racism is very important to me
>i wish i was in minneapolis protesting against [derek chauvin] ... lock-arm and ready to have my voice heard
>on every street corner there is a policeman waiting to shoot a black man
9. she attacked sean parnell (MAGA candidate who dropped out) and implied that he beat and assaulted women
10. she attacked trump repeatedly during his 2016 run, calling him a total liberal and that he would be a horrid president if elected
11. she lied about voting for trump in 2016 in PA
12. she lied about her military service and what would be reflected on her DD214
once again, trump is completely and totally vindicated. dr. oz is the only candidate who will beat fetterman and win in november

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There may be a Mandarin word for federalism and liberty, but would a Chinaman understand either the same way an American does?

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its an aweevement

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>Make America Great Again

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>cause i would be using the power of government
how are you controlling a collective entity? again, you seem to think the government exists as the guider of peoples, and is not the creation of a people itself. it's very odd because that is both at conflict with the volk idea and the american foundation
what you are arguing is actually the divine right of kings, and that people exist to serve nobility who stand as their supreme heads and fulfillment. that's an interesting take, but you keep making appeals to the people

again this is something that is throwing literal red flags to me, because it sounds like you are arguing "the dictatorship of the proletariat" which is fucking leninism

81 million votes.
6 months of research.

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tell me this isn't spot on today

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains
Within the sound of, silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of the streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed
By the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound
Of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs
That voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound
Of silence
(Of silence)
"Fools, " said I, "you do not know
Silence, like a cancer, grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells
Of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sound
Of silence

Meanwhile your self-worth gets lower and your ego gets larger

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Kathy Barnette attacked Trump multiple times during the 2015 primaries and 2016 elections. Her hate was so strong she went on to not vote for him in 2016, despite claiming to be an ultraMAGA supporter from day one.

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>God striking Dems down directly
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back

>There may be a Mandarin word for federalism and liberty, but would a Chinaman understand either the same way an American does?
No. I have met fresh off the boat chinks and they do not get it. Even continental Euros mostly don't get it. Freedom as we know it seems to exist purely as an anglophone thing. Everyone else just wants hierarchy and order.

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where is my mega man-esque fangame?

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Imagine trusting a nigger, especially a female that'll do anything to win.

i told you this would happen
but you didn't listen

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only 33% of americans think the great replacement is true as well. does that mean the president is a conspiracy theory also?

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lmao the fucking file name
>Death to America reelect me!
I think by now even the most asleep goyim can see through this...
What a fucking day...
>nigger shootouts in Milwaukee and Chicago and a church
>reddit glowy live stream nigger killings on twitch
>dem senate faggot gets a vaccine stroke
Lunar eclipse tonight, very comfy evening all considered!

you seem to think i haven't tread this path before
why do you think i went and read all that commie shit? i needed the source material to know when people are deriving from it as too many things i've seen were highly suspicious

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>Trump then laid out his plans for world domination, but unfortunately, no one saw them because they were posted to Truth Social.

Henlo frens, if you could come BUMP my thread, would much appreciate it!

We're discussing:
>Medical Industry Scams (such as coof and others)
>More jews

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Here's to you /ptg/ for your loyalty and enthusiasm even during the dark times

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Unfortunately a good chunk of Americans don't understand them either. Liberty, despite what my purple-haired generation says, does not mean the ability to fuck whatever one desires. That's hedonism.
The raised fists used as symbols of BLM should have set off red flags for millions of boomers across the country as it's a symbol used by Marxist groups across the globe but they'd rather clap like seals and say, "Well, maybe some compromise is in order."

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Faggots spelling like that get the rope.
Good, I'm hoping that gets hot again war war war!
Based, no man's sky except until every planet in the galaxy has been made great again!

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Jordan on Fox on midterms/McCarthy: I think we're going to win. And I think he's going to be the speaker of the House. And I think in two years after that, Donald Trump's going to run for president, and I think he's going to be our next president.

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Bot filter increments

Go find some formula for your black bastard grandbaby, Rick.

I really don't want McCarthy for speaker.

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well i'm talking about "if wishes are fishes and I get to design everything from the stance of having omnipotence"
>what you are arguing is actually the divine right of kings, and that people exist to serve nobility who stand as their supreme heads and fulfillment.
oooOOOooo Yeah that would be cool, benevolent dictatorship kind of deal, yeah whatever power you needed to, at least to establish whatever it is you wanted to.

This entire conversation was based on ideal "if you could do anything, what would you want?" kind of musings.
Which is what I wanted originally. For you to just say what you want in a hypothetical "whatever I say goes" kind of scenario for some laws or some governmental system, or whatever. You get to play complete and total ruler of the world, what would you do?

It doesn't have to be realistic, it's just for fun.
I guess where we are disagreeing is that I would try to use that opportunity to set up the world so that after I die, whites would be protected and on the right course to having eugenics be a big goal for them.

But we're getting all caught up on what I said I wanted. Which, really, wasn't even my point. I just went into what I wanted as an example.

I was honestly just interested in what your answer would be.

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>mccarthy is based
Jordan's stock continues to fall

you would be surprised how many fucking boomers don't actually know what communist symbols are besides the hammer and sickle (and even then they overlook it because workers movements use it and they think there's a difference). to a lot of boomers, communism just means "russia" which is which is why you had some nonsense accusations thrown at trump for being a communist
the three arrows, for example, you can fucking wear a shirt with that walking around and people won't question it

that's why people should use the iron legion's symbol or any of the really obscure fascist/ultranationalist ones, because it can be an explicit dogwhistle that boomers will think people are crazy for screeching about

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Beijing bot crew is a little early

and no, the sonnenrad is no longer obscure, c'mon

>hes a furry