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>says Ukraine

Two more weeks until Putin is overthrown

>Chicken is infinitely tastier says Chick Fil A Cows


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>>says Ukraine
This was my big clue that it just might be counterfeit and homosexual.

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i hate to break it to the hohols but if a coup happens its because they view putin as too soft on ukraine

Is the coup being executed by the Ghost of Kyiv?

>vaccines are Safe&Effective(TM) says Pfizer

This article is 2 days old, and I seriously doubt there's going to be a coup.
That's something that's possible years down the line, not a few months.



If there’s anything I trust, it’s Jewish media. Especially when it comes to totally real wars like ukraine and Russia. I can’t wait to starve to death




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Yrra right. When I see patinas cancer ridden corpse I will believe it.

But it's possible since they can have external help.
All this shit is globalized

cute fancy flag you got there

Q here. Yeltsin is the real President. He just resigned and died so that he could lead the real government from his tomb. Just two more weeks and the military will move to arrest Putin.

Self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if no coup is actually happening at the moment, the thought that one might be will make Putin paranoid which in turn makes the men around him afraid and more likely to actually remove him before he removes them.

>>says Ukranian intelligence cheif

Into the garbage it goes.

>Ukraine's military intelligence


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chief of Ukr intelligence looks like a total retard desu

The ghost of kiev is leading the charge!

they're a '3rd world military' and are winning with Russian Federation, so I guess they have some intelligence.
Some much powerful countries are getting btfo by everyone, from rice farmers to goat shepherds.

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The joke is that everyone in the top picture looks like homosexuals?

Just fucking kill the monke already.
No 2 more weeks!
Dead. Monkey. Now.

intel was largely right from the beginning

Only eurotrash could develop such psychotic mental gymnastics. Same psychotic mental gymnastics that enable you to believe hurting yourself to hurt Russia.

That trick stopped working after ww2

just 2 more weeks

Go to sleep ladyboy fucker . Also , there won't be a coup attempt since they are all in this together

Fremember all the leftiods saying that their needed to be a coup over throw Putin.

All the seething russoids in this thread.
Be grateful, it’s about time some of you solved this problem so you can blame him for all the stupid shit you‘ve done lately rather than being turned into North Korea 2.0.

if someone makes a coup and overthrows the monkey, then they will immediately be put in a noose if they try to accept peace and do not continue the conflict. too much has been paid to give everything back.

Can't wait. I'm so tired of his faggotry.

Dat flag. Is it a year round fag parade?

Maybe you shouldn’t have invaded in the first place?

Yeah... especially about coup that was unavoidable on march.

Get your memeflag and kys.

ghost of keeeev is haunting the fuck out that muthafuka

George soros, that you?

Пpeдaтeля poдины , cкoлькo вac гocдeп плaтить eбaнaя пятaя кoлoннa????

Ecли нe Пyтин тo ктo ??

>says Ukraine


he probably expected that sanctions would not be imposed because the United States invades countries, but no one imposes sanctions on them

>Many defeats.
>Last defeat one year ago.

Lecturing someone about invasion.

A vatnik tranny, holy shit

>Announcing a Coup underway on Sky News.
We've obtained PEAK COPE from the khazars.

you're still a bunch of retarded mudshits who can't run a government anyways.


> says ukrainian military intelligence

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"citizens of russia is overthrowing our number 1 enemy"
-ukranian nigger

this is propaganda and you are a dumb nigger for believing it

World's only superpower can't win wars.

wtf manipulating others to do a coup is that easy?

Sure Russia, it's Putin that's the problem it has nothing to do your system being broken from the start.

This he assumed it would be a game of that you and I do the same shit so who cares

Real info is like 2 % during active combat. Doesnt matter if Ukraine says or pidorashka says.
Gay thread and reddit tier replies.

>says Ukraine's...

Big if true

The US only invades sand nigger countries
Nobody batted an eye when Russia invaded Georgia either
They only care cause Ukraine's in Europe

>ukraine military intelligence
These idiots don't understand that a coup is literally impossible for the simple reason that the coup makers would have nothing to gain. The west is not going to reverse all their sanctions on Russia just because some general replaces Putin and says we're good. What happens to the military nside Ukraine? They just retreat like nothing happened? And then what they pay Ukraine for the damage and tell their population they did that for nothing and abandon people in dobass and crimea?
See? There's no going back. The special operation will contiue util Ukraine is competeley (((de-nazified)))

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