
The savior of white race lol.

Attached: 1652582005366m.jpg (768x1024, 108.67K)

What was he thinking

what a cohencidence that biden's emails leaked at the same time. saged

FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest

FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest

FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest

FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest
FEDS CopyPasta of Christchurch Shooter's(FBI's) Manifest

Still whiter than 90% of this board

Mutts law

Why doesn’t he shave?

Attached: 1652515378330.jpg (621x609, 165.27K)

he did more than everyone in this board combined ever will

Attached: DEAD_NIGGERS.png (608x812, 740.65K)


Looks Ukrainian

Attached: 1651686449565.jpg (500x500, 96.84K)

Bro talks about how white race are dying yet he shoots white people. What a fucking incel retard. I hope his asshole gets resize like size of nazi concentration camp crematorium

Attached: 4F776DC7-4B35-416B-AC98-2D347A1D1C2F.jpg (600x600, 35.86K)

why does he have the nose of a negroid

He looks whiter than you.

Jews are not white

Attached: jews.jpg (1024x819, 137.84K)

The only place this passes for white is muttland. In Europe he would be laughed back to Africa

Because it's actually a discordditor huwhite.

I killed negroes in Mali.

Anyone has his manifesto??

You have Ukrainians and Russians living rent free inside your head, mutt.

he's not a savior, he's just a soldier

All whites have it, it's cause of the mandetory 3-20% nigger genetics they carry.

I don't know what you guys expect. Not everysingle person on earth looks like a fucking navy seal. Like WOAH a random dipshit looks like a RANDOM DIPSHIT no way!!!!!

>What was he thinking
hes neo-nazi they dont think

Attached: master race.webm (592x1280, 1.01M)

Italians are not Jews

ANyone found his social media?

Attached: 93B178E8-A8BA-4DC9-8D1B-53AFB37EE945.jpg (353x353, 10.97K)