What percent of white people actually agree with the stuff in Payton's manifesto?

Are these types of beliefs actually common among white people? Or just among incels and poltards?

Attached: Payton manifesto.jpg (1646x1466, 325.07K)

he copy pastes and writes in a very cringe way, I respect someone like kaczynski, not this glowing jew

I take everything written here with a massive amount of salt.
It's just layers of irony to me, never figured anyone would be dumb enough to actually believe the schizo shit that is written here.

He's a Ukranian nationalists. Radicalized by the Azovs.

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uncle ted is a genius
the fat fuck op is referencing is a fucking loser

also this

I agree with him.

>The White Race is dying ou-

Attached: amish mormons population.gif (886x643, 474.78K)

100% agree with him

Most East Europeans do

Can you link his manifesto plz?

No, we typically just move away from niggers if our first encounters with black crime doesnt kill us, and we know we have always been a global minority so numbers aren't really that important

Literally 0.01% of whites agree with it. Defending whiteness is a thing of the past. pol has no idea how bad it is.

>professes need to raise white birthrates
>shoots up a market so now he’ll be locked up forever and will never reproduce

His tactics are questionable for sure.

typical discord bigotry
go interview them instead

>Reddit nigger loving tourist comes to Any Forums and makes good
Reminder this shooter only started to browse Any Forums in May 2020. Before that he was a Redditor.
So fellow Reddit tourists, here to own the nazis, when are you going to shoot up a store full of niggers?

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what mystery meat phenotype is this?

Nothing ever happens. White people kill a nigger - >chimpout. Nigger kills a white man- > nobody cares. Are both sides fucking pussies in America, do something, ignite a civil war, I want to volunteer for confederate side

>zog hands typed this
fuck off kike

The manifesto is verbose, but decently written. It summarizes the ongoing destruction of Western civilizaiion by kikes and their melanin-enhanced golems very well.
He analyzed the problem, and he acted. We can disagree with the specific action, but he actually took concrete action that he felt was relevant.

You don't need everyone. How many Russian peasants believed in Bolshevik ideology?

Oh BTW most of Eastern Europe would agree

Manifestos are cringe

If only there was a chart that mapped out White non-Hispanic population levels and showed it’s level over time, we could know for sure if you’re a stupid faggot or not. Oh, wait…

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Wait a minute!!!! I’m confused. Are we supporting Ukraine or not?

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i didnt read it, because i already know you all need to die. tick tock creatures

If you think LA will be 32%+ LDS then you’re a next level retard

his tactics i find lacking but the message, blacks are violent against whites and that white people are becoming an oppressed minority is literally true, its like denying the sky is blue ultimately mass shootings don't really help fix the main problem with whites which is that we have no racial unity which makes us weak as a group politically

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less than 1%

but over 30% for Any Forums "whites", because they - amerimutts are extremely insecure that they're not white, so they go to extreme lengths to be seen as one

murdering innocent people indiscriminately is monkey behaivor

have you read "The System's Neatest Trick "? it should be mandatory reading in every school ted was on a different level
he's probably laughing at this retard if he even heard about it

i am neither white nor black , but i agree with him.
jews can be dealt later, first we need to cut their tentacles , like niggers and muslims. chinks should shown their place too. this will happen user soon. then there will a holy race war. sadly user as i wont be counted as white neither my future generations, we will ask for non violence treaty, if that is denied then you will face a lot of hostility whiteys. we wont enroach your lands though. but we soon would send a lot of indian muslims to your continent
britain created this mess so we will send a lot of em, and if by any chance muslims win over india, i will come to britain and give birth to a dozen of violent pajeets so that we compltely f*ck ur homeland the same way. the only solution is to erradicate islam and judea, like just kill any muslim who doesnt change to another religon, dont be a liberal fcker man. the worlds gonna be like sweden cause of islam

Also, most of Any Forums knows that voting will not fix anything. It's too late for that, it was probably too late by the 90s. If non-electoral means are required, what are those means? How do we actually answer the JQ?
Any Forums really needs to start bitching less and actually start thinking about what and how.
It's not enough to know that beaners have to be deported en masse. It's not enough to say the kikes control finance, media, education, etc.
What, specifically, must be done to fix this?

At first, I didn’t because it’s mostly copy pasted from brentons, but after rereading it and reading his discord transcripts I do agree with him a lot
Love this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe


18 year old kissless virgins aren't leading anybody anywhere, nor should they.

Didn't read it. If a manifesto gets to more than 10 pages, then whoever wrote it doesn't believe a word in it, and it just looking talk themselves into whatever they're about to do

Did this guy even have children himself?

hey alladin, get back to your customer service tech support line

All this le white race is dying is cringe. All these shooters cry about muh collapsing white birth rates meanwhile they don't have any kids and just kill some random irrelevant plebs like autists thinking they did it "for us". The main reason whites are being replaced is simply that the gov needs more cattle tax payers and workforce to keep on the growth so they import shitskins from all around the world without a single care about security or integrity. White birth rates are falling because your average middle class can't afford shit anymore. The core cause of all of this is economics and growing wealth inequality. All these white supremacists do is sperg out killing randoms without achieving anything thinking they are some heroes