Be a retarded white supremacist

>be a retarded white supremacist
>think white race is being genocided because now people calling you our for your racism
>and people from countries where USA and UK ruined their lives taking refugee
>call them subhumans while craving violence like a dog with rabies
>commit mass shootings
>only increase sympathy towards people you hate

Attached: images - 2021-10-26T181100.370.jpg (357x309, 14.19K)

Ein Döner mit allem und etwas scharf, bitte.

>be shitskin
>get shot

Attached: DEAD_NIGGER.gif (265x298, 1.93M)

Just a reminder darker skin is genetically dominant to light skin

Brambles and nettles will overtake a beautiful rose garden, this is why you keep the rose garden free of them, or the beauty is lost.

lol you're such a fucking retard

What's with roach obsession with niggers? Do those subhumans think they're black or something?

hows that? nigger.

you're Russian, you have no place to talk about any kind of world problems.
seethe harder bozo, future is black

What are you gonna do about it?

Boy there sure are a lot of """organic""" posts suddenly, wonder what happened to the trannies over at discord

Attached: totally-legitimate-posters.jpg (1702x710, 190.46K)

just a reminder that youre a mix between greeks and armenians.

oh poet owning barbarians again, bravo! Churka fears art.

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>anyone who says something I disagree with is a raider waaaah

Then why is God made of light?

My neighborhood had zero niggers in it 10 years ago. Now it has zero whites.

How """organic""" of you to post this now!

Attached: oops you glow.png (1920x979, 1.34M)

okay, I'm not American so I'm not obsessed with my ancestry
>wow you're posting this after a white supremacist shoots up a mall? glowie discord raider

>Be OP
>Browse Reddit al day long
>Commit to teach le ebil white guy what's right
go back and never return plz


say thanks to your anglo masters for not being wiped out from the history as it should be

>dude I need to make my totally original post RIGHT NOW while my discord friends are online!
Nice try nigger. Why didn't you post the same thing when this happened? Oh wait, you only post when you're paid to.

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Urbanization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>zero niggers
>Now it has zero whites.
my man got blacked




Okay turklord.

Because you won't be seen robbing a store in a dark night?

>Just a reminder darker skin is genetically dominant to light skin
And this is why I believe in white genocide user

ok mehmet karabogolu

The great replacement is not a theory.