This is you

This is you

Attached: 1645106854632.png (546x613, 357.62K)


Why are you posting the antifa shooter again?

Attached: antifa shooter.jpg (813x1024, 84.53K)

Totally bro, oooof

hes moar hansome than me

God i wish that were me

Attached: god i wish that were me.jpg (600x623, 23.59K)

Or the tranny admin of one of the largest left-wing subreddits?

Attached: 712.png (200x201, 58.78K)

>dis u!

Attached: 16BDAA0B-9F42-4E82-9C55-D891734C7459.jpg (699x1024, 99.61K)

Attached: 1652086451835.gif (1280x561, 55.03K)

Attached: CAAC1C0D-756B-4CFD-8C13-C46DF74EE1C4.png (682x481, 74.62K)

I say this and I look like this

Kind of except my glasses fit, my nose is proportionally suited to my face, I don't have nigger lips and my eyebrows look decent.
I also have a jaw like I've been eating hard processed foods my whole life, because I have.
Also I have bright blue eyes with a dark blue rim.
Though my skin is worse. Can't see his teeth but they're probably worse too.
The hair though, I have the same issue of not knowing how to ask for a hairstyle.

This is me

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-15 at 12.34.55.png (476x584, 65.59K)

But I look nothing like Steve Colbert.

Looks fine to me, a doctor or engineer.

Attached: 1651753007173.jpg (3200x2366, 2.9M)

I'm bald

I look literally exactly like that but fatter

kek that is me. I'm so based.

this is the real image retards

Attached: 1652475436495.png (1080x1066, 1002.03K)


Attached: 1651752553776.jpg (1210x1249, 357.7K)

Fucking kek


Attached: 1652603325686.jpg (1170x858, 234.21K)

>use horses
fake shit. Only furries use horses. (That's (you)) use cars because they're lazy and don't care about the environment.

still beats being a memeflaggot

This is me

Attached: 181103-scott-beierle-al-1612.jpg (376x464, 60.75K)

Yeah that's closer to me

This is you

Attached: 1652370581770.jpg (1024x968, 147.98K)

If that's me then how did you get my photograph?
And why did you keep it?
Are you a pedo?
Did you keep it so you can wank on it?
What kind of a faggot are you?

Attached: 1651752705013.png (1199x726, 1.01M)

no,its you.!

But I'm not a reddit mod


Attached: 1652250388164.jpg (800x700, 60.55K)

zero content in op
all fields