Why doesn't the US have free healthcare?

Literally EVERY other developed country has it and works just fine. Do you all want to just be special snowflakes?

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Because you didn't buy Luna nigger


The US's welfare liability means they will need to raise taxes to 100% to make it actually work

The fuck is luna? Sounds like a trannys onlyfans.

That better be a boy.

Anything that prolongs American lives is unethical

I'm American and didn't have health care and literally got free health care. Idk what people are talking about when they say we don't have free health care.

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The US does have free healthcare when it involves mutilating baby penises.

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jesus leaf you are everywhere tonight talking about Luna and shit. You'll never be rich, you will never have the financial power to buy a life changing amount of crypto. You are a nigger trapped in a leafs body and China will enslave you before you become a crypto billionaire.

hes a man

americans don't deserve it, all their tax dollars exclusively must go to israel and politicians pet projects. If it helps normal people and workers, it's not worth doing.

>west coast
>still mutilated
kikes need to be gassed.

because free healthcare is fucking retarded. Come down here and see what your free healthcare will look like in 10 years when you've reached your immigrant nigger capacity.

It's not free in other countries you mongoloid, It's still taken from wagie taxes.

Americans should be abolition schools and libraries too. So all that money can be saved for things that really matter. Daily gifts for Israel.

Harping on about muh free healthcare is like demanding free food. Fucking kill yourselves you commie cunt nigger loving FAGGOTS

its not free

um excuse me sir, but you claim the salt and pepper packets are free but McDonalds clearly paid for it. This "free" salt comes out of my purchase of a big mac. thought i'd let you know.

Healthcare? WHAT ARE YOU A PUSSY? No real American cares about "getting hurt" because the very idea of getting hurt is hateful to Americans. Americans love a survivor not some pansy faggot who needs to go to the hospital because he got a booboo on his leg.

All the smartasses that crashed the coins knew they would all buy Luna and make trillions without telling us like always.
You missed on changing your life in an evening.


you would know, faggot. Next time just say you like dicks stupid nigger making burgers look bad use a meme flag instead fucking cuck.

>free healthcare
>not free
mutt literacy

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go to a better hospital

hoe sellin her ass thread #9001
why all your hoes so fuckin glow

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Because the US economy is run by economic debt slavery through student loans, healthcare bills, mortgages etc

She is built for BBC.

>Why doesn't the US have free healthcare?

Blame Republicans.

>Why doesn't the US have free healthcare?
because of corporate lobbying of our politicians by the health and pharmaceutical industry (basically legal bribery). Theres nothing anyone can do about it because the ones who have the power to change the laws to make it illegal, are the ones who are benefiting from it.

>the jews would not make millions
>the population would not be culled enough to maintain modern legal slavery
there you go

>unable to grasp simple economics

whatever happened with obogocare. Besides, it's better this way. All that money that would have been spent on fat people, tranny spics and boomers now is sent directly to Israel. Where it always belonged.

about 200 thousand people die of medical malpractice in the US every year.
Not having "free" healthcare is the least of their problems

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Kys socialist Manolo

same reason why we don't have free university, kikes make money off it.

70% of your country is undeveloped. You had your time spicboy that was during the 1500s now you are Europes asscrack. Please jump in front of one of those high speed trains you spics like to brag about.

You keep posting this same thread, and every. fucking. time. we explain it to you. The answer is simple user try and remember this because I am sick of explaining it to you.


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if you are not a nigger paying for healthcare shouldn't be a problem. It's called health insurance. Fuck Canada and dying on a waiting list. I'm an American take my money and heal me, we are not 3rd world niggers we actually have money and a good standard of living here.

It's literally theft you spic retard. You are a thief. Imagine paying for the fat and the stupid LOL

well niggers don't pay for healthcare anyway. They just walk into the ER get, 1 million dollars worth of healthcare and declare bankruptcy. (you) pay for them down the line with increased medical costs.

What is this supposed to mean? I'm actually as dark as the Moroccan immigrant that fucks your wife every morning.