Guys, I'm afraid that this site will be closed. We're too radicalized...

Guys, I'm afraid that this site will be closed. We're too radicalized, maybe we should stop using the word "nigger" for a week?

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Fuck off nigger.


it's over.
Slava ukraina

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Ahem, nigger.

Nigger. And by that I mean you, nigger.

>too radicalized
no such thing

Nice memeflag
You fucking pig nigger

Lol nigger aren’t you being genocided rn?


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the real challenge user would be for channers to say it in public -- unfortunately everyone is an edgy pussy that even disavows actions in their favor because of the "glowies" lol

Israel is a rogue nation full of escaped pedophiles, embezzlers, human traffickers, blacklist human organ harvesters/brokers, financial frauds, and genocidal racially-insecure jews who wish they were white Europeans and will never forgive white Europans for the crime of being physically, observably White (better than them)

how to loose teeths 401.

Yeah. No.

Fuck off slav nigger.


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no courage of conviction user?

>maybe we should stop using the word "nigger" for a week

Uhm, yes. That is great. Let's stop saying nigger for a week as tribute to the poor boy that will go to jail.

>afraid of being set free

ok how about we replace "nigger" with "hohol" as our default offensive word

watch out everybody
got a tough guy over here

If they shut it down, they didnt showed the world how wrong it was what we tell here, but how afraid (((they))) are of what we going to tell. That somebody was groomed by some glow niggas just proves the inability to stop the real truth that the holohoax never happend.


>Guys, I'm afraid that this site will be closed. We're too radicalized, maybe we should stop using the word "nigger" for a week?

You can't appease people like them, people need an outlet for honest discussion, sometimes that ends up vile but there we are. If they didn't have an excuse, or ability, they would create one.

This whole thing seems manufactured anyway - Wow guyz, i read pol and now i hate niggers!' Just stfu already.

doesn't matter anyway, they can't ban personnal experiance, yet.

no we are not as brave here as you are daddy

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FFS, this man said it all in one go.

Have a Christ, kike.

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>another fed psy-op attack.
>to once again justify their useless existence to their masters.

If they did then who could they trick all the normies to blame all the bad things on?

Actually east-slavniggers kill each other, who cares?


The servers aren't even in burger land .......

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