How do we solve the incel problem?

How do we solve the incel problem?

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And people wondered why social events had to be organized in the "olden days"

Just keep voting in elections for lawyers, that is all you're ever going to do for the rest of your life. No point in pretending otherwise.

Government mandated gfs

Protip: You don't.
Gibbing gf to them is not possible.



50% of young men are not having sex sis. Keep your slide threads together sis.

I'm handsome, 6'0, decent socially and I still can't get a GF because girls always lose interest when they realize I'm poor

>Any Forumscels summed up

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Every stat says normalfags have less sex now than they have in modern history.


made it more realistic

Attached: realism.png (825x906, 902.5K)

ok, but she's gonna be a fat nigger

That's pretty rich coming from a country where 90% of marriages are arranged.


Kill you

not even. normalize arranged marriages where your parents select another woman of the same class as you.
don't let government into your lives like a fool.

>1 post by this ID.
You can't unwhore women.
The air has been seeded. Reap the whirlwind.

Umm the problem is with the women.
These aren't incels, they just can't be bothered to put up with modern female bullshit.

I don’t even wear clothes while not masturbating, what kind of masochism is this?