What happened to Bill Gates?

What happened to Bill Gates?

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Wife took half of everything he owned.

that's anders0n p00per bruh

tainted adrenalchrome

Shit, he looks like...shit.

They cut off his supply.

"Adrenochrome" (as you all call it) has been in extremely short supply lately. It's not enough to be very wealthy, you have to be connected in the right ways. Only the connected people are getting it during the shortage. If Ukraine can be stabilized again, the shortage will stop. Don't ask me how I know this.

There's a supply chain for adrenochrome, too, you know

he's old as fuck

Lying takes a toll:
- strains the brain, which tires -- having to try and remember every
- causes ever-present anxiety, knowing that one's mendacity could be uncovered at any time
- psychologically damaging, as humans aren't evolved to lie constantly -- see example: endemic bipolar disorder in the acting industry

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A divorce and loss of half his wealth. My bro is a neighbor of his compound in Hood canal area, he's been there since the divorce - so I'm guessing Melinda got the Medina compound.


Have you read that book? It is about detecting lies in "statistics", not about actually lying with statistics.

He got suckered in by Shlepstein into visiting his Island, probably was diddling little kids left and right, then his wife left him.

Why does that faggot Cooper always have that same, dumb look on his face?

This is correct. Skexis need fresh Younglings to keep up with demand.

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How do you know this?

>What happened to Bill Gates?
He believed his own lie and took the vax.

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i don't know but i hope it hurts and i hope it kills him

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He ran out of adrenochrome after Jeffrey neck'd himself with the help of mr glowie

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Is this him?

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