Why does no one believe me about the white genocide conspiracy theory?

Why does no one believe me about the white genocide conspiracy theory?

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"White genocide" does not exist. It is a racist myth.

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>conspiracy THEORY

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it's not a conspiracy theory. the white per capita population is literally decreasing

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it's not genocide you are being forced to become a minority and second class citizen. No one is killing us. And this argument doesn't work well in North America because we are not indigenous to this continent.

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Poo in the loo

Because normies gonna norm

>we're not being killed
Ebba would like to have a word with you

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>(a) Killing members of the group;
>(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I would say it falls under c, and maybe d

Influx of immigrants technically don’t make the natives go away
But we do lose control when we become a minority

ok rabbi

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>Ebba would like to have a word with you
She was killed in sweden by a migrant. Whites in North America are not ingenious you dumbass its kind of a weak argument to cry about genocide when the land we live on is stolen. You can point out anti-white agendas without calling it "genocide".

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Because the deep state has an iron grip on information, education, and keeps the idiot populace under control and blind. Also, idiot whites with a guilt complex the size of Olympus Mons.

sure thing moishe

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That’s not a “genocide” that’s you fags becoming godless greedy selfish heathens that don’t want to start families.
If you were all like the Amnish you’d be on par with Africans in population

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It doesn't matter where "genocide" - or whatever semantic term you want to use for it - happened. The fact remains that we ARE being replaced, be it through violence or failing to compete with other races in reproduction. And this isn't stolen land, we conquered it. Feeling even the slightest bit of pity for the spics when they're being used as pawns in our demise is pathetic.

It is genocide tho. It fits the legal definition of genocide that has been used in the international criminal court. Its ok to say you approve of genocide. This is Any Forums after all and I'm sure just days ago you were furiously defending baby murder so lets not play the pacifist.

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the hall of cost should have happend

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I don't care.

Me in the straightjacket

I'm not white and I believe it, bro.
But normies gotta norm, you know

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regardless, if always blows up in your face in the end, and this time there wont be anywhere to run

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>it's not genocide you are being forced to become a minority and second class citizen

I point you to definition c of the UN's own definition of what genocide is. Truthfully every single one of them is happening in some form or another, and I could explain this too, but we'll stick with c because it's the one you brought up.

Your day is coming you hooknosed parasite. All of those memes you've created to gloat and rub the goys' face in it is going to be your undoing. There's a delicious irony in it and your pilpul won't get you out of it.

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You don't need to believe it.
Don't tell me you weren't there when all the communists were talking about whites existing was white privilege.
The communist relies on its victims having a short memory.

>when the land we live on is stolen.
Its white mans land and it should stay that way