"Rejection of Christianity"

The shooter was a fucking LARPagan wignat, big shocker.

This is what happens when you reject Christ.

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wtf I didn't know he was so based


suck a dick faggot. I don't care about ideology, I just want dead mutts

is that missing the date because it refers to Tarrant's manifesto?

>larpagan gets shit done
christcucks btfo

Cringe wignat lol

What is Cernovich ancestry/ethnicity?

It's funny that libertarians are more Christian and more normal than these pagan Nazi green nuts.

Is it? Can someone confirm this?

>poor fag site
>non gang niggers

such high level difficulty
Why didn't he seek out young male niggers for execution ?
Why do they NEVER kill actual problems for us now?

Perhaps the shooter was simply crazy?

That's some autistic shitposting

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I’m inclined to believe he’s a glownigger asset simply because there are entire sections of his manifesto that are copied word for word from Brenton Tareant’s manifesto. Like more than 70% of his manifesto is just directly copy pasted from Tarrant’s.


Christ is King.

no shit, christians are brown and live in africa and south america, what are the chances

too soon?

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Didn't Christ go into a synagogue and call them Satan's nut spawn and then start whipping them? You can embrace Christ all you want, but your words don't mean anything. This "Christian" is going to burred in a jewish cemetery when he's dead. I know that for a fact. And even if you believe in Christ, if you act like a piece of shit, I don't think the afterlife is going to be what you think it is. And yes, standing by while the temple is transformed into a bank, is acting like a piece of shit. A moral coward.

Cernokike attacking European religions and trying to deradicalize white men. Get this retard off this board.

Tarrant never named the kikes , he visited Israel just before the shooting fun

>killing randoms
>shit done
only accelerationists believe this unironically is doing anything when in fact has done nothing but attract more mentally deranged autists to kill instead of suicide since 2011

You stop turning the other cheek?

And embrace leftism

You Danes sure are fucking stupid , it says it in the fucking photo

Any Forums is an anti-christian ecofascist board

Christ is jewish, jews are scum. Christ is scum

>Im a christcuck
>do nothing and let people invade you

Fuck christianity.

>reject Christ.
christ is a worthless jew abomination, a fucking sandnigger demon
pic related is what your typical christ-golem looks like

the shooter has nothing to do with religion, he's the explicit result of worshiping the state and it's authority -- he's a fucking vaxxmaxxer you worthless fucking goon

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Christkikes have been programmed to worship at the feet of niggers by their Jewish religion. Of course they would never dare take real action.

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You wignats are really emboldened by this huh. You’re going to hell with your gay Nietzsche/pagan beliefs. Christ is King. This guy is going to get the death penalty and go to hell as an unrepentant sinner and psychopath.

>christ is a worthless jew abomination
Fuck off, Edomite

during the time of Christ, and a century prior, the Edomites/Idumeans had come to dominate the priesthood due to the usurpation by the Herodian dynasty who were ascended to regional power by Mark Antony. during the 2nd century B.C till after the time of Christ Judaea was multiethnic. You had the Edomites from the south (those who style themselves Jews) and actual Judahites & Israelites. The Herodian kings (even wikipedia will tell you so) being Edomites themselves filled the religious & administrative priestly Pharisee, Sadducees class with fellow Edomites, these Edomite priests created the Oral law (later penned as the talmud) that was used to worm its way around old testament law with semantics & sophistry

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Oh golly! I'm gonna be ever MORE Christian now!

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>t. a fucking paki
Oh, okay.

>hell is the new valhalla
oh shit

No he posted it today.


Good goyim. Keep donating money to your Church so they can they ship in boats of niggers and spics in the name of kindness and in the spirit of Christ. Then go march to the polls and vote for the GOP every 2 years as whites get destroyed.

i don't think he'd be any less radicalized if he saw images like this being shared around

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Christianity is inherently anti-European.

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Shit thank him very much he did nothing expect kill random niggers which he could've done by giving some niggers deadlier wepaons

shush golem

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this. every time someone with Any Forums-tier beliefs actually tries to do something about it they get called a fed lol.

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>troll jew
He's brought that up multiple times in different circumstances. It really does hurt him. I guess it isn't surprising since he had trouble with being a fatty but he clearly is sensitive about his looks. Don't misuse this information.

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>I bought into the kike meme you have to too

Thanks. Pretty much confirms what we all know. Anti Chrsitian wignats are cringe retards.

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