Legalize prostitution now!

If prostitution was legal, you could just pay money for sex and then men could finally chill out and be happy. Any man who is against legalizing prostitution is a cuck

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in practice, outlawing it doesn't eliminate it, it just makes it obscenely expensive
combine that with the absolute shit state of the economy, and routine sessions are well beyond my broke college student budget
I can't wait until I'm no longer paying for college and have a relatively well-paying job, I'll finally be able to fuck more often

why not just legalize violence, youre not a coward are you?

it should be fully legal and then the incel epidemic would be over. No more dumb asses like that 18 year old kid that just shot up that grocery store... assuming he wasn't a CIA agent of course

its legal here, went to one last night

it is where i live. there are 2 or 3 legal and regulated brothels within a hour of my house and i live in america. soooo why are you complaining?

it is legal
it's called 4/10 whores on tinder

okay but what's the price? In Europe, you can fuck a hot prostitute for like 40 dollars /euros an hour.

Nowhere in America will you find that kind of pricing. Which is why it has to be fully legalized, so the price of pussy stops being inflated.

Jesus Christ. Fuck Tinder.

sounds fun. Where do you live and how much do you pay for an hour?


is she picking that chicks ass? They're all at that lumpy stage where they've had 2 or 3 kids but before they pack on serious weight they'll carry for the rest of their lives

They are doing this on purpose. Incel just means virgin, and have you seen the hatred for us recently?

By all means if I could just pay a couple hundred and not be in the most hated category of all time I'd do it.

I live in Tallinn and payed 100 a hour for this early twenties russian chick with huge tiddies

whatever. They are hot, exotic brown women, much better than the disgusting fat bitches you find in America.

yes, religions and governments purposely repress sex and keep prostitution illegal so that men remain frustrated and angry, and then channel men's anger into supporting wars and religious bullshit.

The repression of sex is the number one problem in earth today and legalizing prostitution is the cure.

not bad. Still expensive tho, compared to Asia.

holy fuck I envy you
$500/hr is the minimum for a chick that looks okay/good here in the States

go to Hell, ultrafeminist subhuman garbage

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you can get decent girls for 50 too

I agree, that same reasoning to legalize drugs count here.

you're the feminist, faggot

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I agree it should be legal, but you can just buy sex now. It's not even hard. I fucked a whore a couple of days ago.

I was curious how much an hour bang session cost in my area. A solid 5/10 charges 250+ an hour. I can think of a lot of things id rather spend 250 bucks on than banging some literal mid tier whore.

Legalized prostitution would be another crushing blow to sexual abuses. Sexuality would get more open again. Regulators would keep abuses out of prostitution itself.

are you scared to break the law??? pussy. you could be fucking prostitutes literally right now.

no, faggot, you're promoting sex work becuase you're a feminist and a faggot. go to Hell

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You can just go to Thailand or Tijuana you dumb faggot

Plenty of countries with legalized whoring are still violent shitholes.