Why is Mussolini's granddaughter allowed to live life under her last name and openly be a politician...

Why is Mussolini's granddaughter allowed to live life under her last name and openly be a politician? Do we forget history or something... Imagine if Hitler had a granddaughter called Sandra Hitler who tried to be a politician in Germany.. It's insane lmao.

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cause we're based

Don't force people into obscurity, c'mon!

did you like never watch le star wars or something?

darth vader being space hitler, having 2 grand children who were not only completely against space hitler but also related to them

just because you are related to a bad guy doesn't make you one. how stupid are you

Genocide vs No Genocide

here's a QRD on her for newfags

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Lolmaokek, haha

Angela Merkel
Sandra Hitler

Looks like a match

Italians don’t care. They elected a known pedophile predator and rapist as PM again and again… another billionaire worse than Epstein.

Muslimi lol

do not google Stalin`s granddaughter

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Because he wasn't even that bad and fascism is based

because we all knew he was right and the only mistake he made was entering the war alongside psycho manlet
had the two waited fascism would've spread naturally in britain, france and america

Imagine if hitler had a granddaughter and she got blacked

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Because we won the war (by switching side), is that simple.

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TWO granddaughter politicians

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also this
Krauts ruined another Italion invention into full idiocy.

I have to learn to take warnings seriously.

Would have preferred if you won the war without switching sides

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if only i could vote for francos grandson...

>be daughter of the image of fascism
>headstrong and based
>be daughter of the image of communism
>becomes degenerate and overall an accurate representation of the modern left

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Because Mussolini was a leftist.
Fascism is nothing more than a refinement of Marxism.

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>wtf kids rebel against their parents beliefs?

Wow imagine if Ferdinand Marcos had a kid that went on to be oh wait disregard this post

Because Benito M. described a time when Fascism would be a global and multi racial affair. Which every other country in the world copied at least a part of, if not the entire philosophy. I'm surprised the Illuminate hasn't issued a formal apology to the Mussolini family for killing Benito.

What can I say, next time in the alternative reality taking place in our past don't be the golem.

im tired of this country, i want to be in italy with my roots

Americans didn’t hate Hitler until he declared war on and insulted us

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>he declared war on and insulted us
As I said, next time don't be the golem.

The Punk movement was enormous in the underground of Soviet and Eastern Bloc society

Protip: both were no genocide

Based criminals that no one takes seriously, you were actively trying to sell homes in some city for 1 dollar a couple years ago, with a contract stating you would put 50k into renovations within the first year, but only local contractors accepted. It was also a shitty crime ridden area. It would be like me selling the stripped out shitholes in Detroit for a dollar, and expecting you to pay 50k to the niggers that stripped it to paint it. Insanity.

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How could a qt like Svetlana allow this to happen?