He’s right you chuds

He’s right you chuds

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unless they were this outraged by the guy that drove into white people and killed a bunch of them they have no ground to stand on

When did the last mass shooting involving a white supremacist and an AR-15 happen? like 4 years ago. Meanwhile where brooklyn dad comes from (pakistan or wherever) this shit happens daily.

lol is this retard a fed? all his opinions are abominable. sage

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For once, yeah he is. But the right refuses to pass a national healthcare act so American schizos can get medicated and therapy in an easily accessible way.

fpbp and I’m saying that irl. Stand your ground and don’t give into these freaks.

The USA is literally Brazil with a higher GPD

Can the jab do its thing already?

He's a jew.

It's literally a paid mouthpiece of the DNC.


nothing to see here, white chud. it's all YOUR fault


Meds don’t cure a crumbling, demoralized nation. There is medicating your way out of the ill effects caused by it. You just don’t know it because we’re all so far removed from real instability and in this country. The boomers who talk about the 60’s don’t even have a clue what’s coming to this place.

The media insisted on capitalizing the B in black so blame them.

"assault weapons" are banned in NY

Aren’t black rifles illegal in Jew York?

How many have been murdered by the jab so far?

Mods are allowing these spam threads when there are already 10+ threads in the catalog

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JANNIES deleted the thread where it was disclosed that private interests are behind this and most other shootings and it’s done by private-interest-glowies like Maxwell (the reddit mod!) radicalising loons.
So the place to look for law enforcement is at who is moderating the tranny boards where the most loonies gather.
BOOM. Jannies deleted it all.
Tells you something?
Look at the OP - who is that (a radicalised tranny handled by another petty maxwell)

XM-15s (the gun he used) are banned in New York

Yeah Brooklyn Dad your supermarket is next

Yet 10 people shot at a block party in Chicago and crickets.

Literal paid shill.

It's been proven that he makes threads on here sometimes too.

I wouldn't be surprised if he made this very thread.

We should take away citizenship from people like Cucklyn Dad. Send him to the Congo.

If we didn't have niggers murdering white people then we wouldn't have white people murdering niggers in retaliation. It's simple cause and effect.

There were more people shot just last night also in Wisconsin. But it was a nigger at a basketball game so no one wants to talk about that.

Yeah we get crickets on that one

i hope so, that pedophile has been popping off at the tweet for years.

He’s literally a paid DNC shill.
And his tweet is ironclad proof this was a fake and gay false flag.

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>My God
says guy who literally hates God and hates religious ppl

why do extreme lefties do this

That's nothing. Everyone seems to forget the CCP was arming Antifa & BLM with fucking AK-47s in 2020


On the DNC payroll since 2015, in their own documents as a paid shill.

WTF did they think was going to happen? Every white person in existence wasn't going to do shit?

They do believe that because they say "You won't do shit"

Well I guess that's wrong huh?

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You're also the only developed nation with 40 million niggers

what is 10 niggers ?

This was factchecked. They do not use "AR-15" assault rifles.

I’m not one the retards screaming falseflag, but I’m pretty sure AR-15s are illegal in NY.

a good start

If that faggot's commenting on it then this is 100% self defense

At least one of them was a mutt lady

This. It was only a matter of time.

>only nation of mutts to have mutt rage

Oh well tough shit faggots. There are more guns than people and AR-15s are the most popular type. They are never going to go away, should have realized that after (((Sandy Hook))) and (((Las Vegas))).

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My concern for this matter is directly proportional to this man's concern over the Waukesha attack.

Any Forums did this

>no ground to stand on.
>except every media outlet and social media network

He is right. I wonder what America has more of than any other developed nation?

Yeah, me too. I'm not biting my tongue around these assholes. Not even when it comes to the JQ. Sick of walking on eggshells for these fuckheads. I'm unloading on anyone that brings up politics.

When your such a brainwashed liberal that you think AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle- 15 rounds.

The difference is the 17 people shot by black gang members at that game will likely survive. This glowie was accurate and killed 10 people, both white and poc

Did he make a similar tweet when some innocent up and coming black males shot 20 people after the Celtics broke the Bucks?


>developed nation

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They're objective facts not opinions.

I hope someone kicks that guy into the subway tracks when he's visiting Brooklyn from his acreage in Connecticit

MY GOD, we are the only "developed" nation where inflation is rampant, cities are full of homeless people and people cannot afford a decent meal working 60 hours a week

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

he's paid $60k/yr to parrot for the fedgov.

>If we didn't have niggers murdering white people then we wouldn't have white people murdering niggers in retaliation. It's simple cause and effect.
its going to keep getting worse the more time nigger spend elevated on a pedestal as living saints

why does no one tweet about the dozens of black on black shootings that happen everyday?

Yes because as we all know, everyone trusts the Jewish media unequivocally nowadays and no one ever doubts it at all

He couldn't wait to suck that dick

They are spamming the catalog in rage like after the abortion news. Liberals have no where else to vent

>Yeah, me too. I'm not biting my tongue around these assholes. Not even when it comes to the JQ. Sick of walking on eggshells for these fuckheads. I'm unloading on anyone that brings up politics.
there is nothing to be gained by playing nice with them anymore

or the nig that shot nine at a mall and walked out on bail 8 house later

Pal, there's a positive correlation between psychos in therapy on "antidepressant" drugs and psychos who kill people.
Basically all famous school shooters were in therapy and on "antidepressants".

Why does the fbi keep doing this bros?

>why does no one tweet about the dozens of black on black shootings that happen everyday?
cuz it day coal chair bigot

To bad you weren’t there.

Glowie fed OP Mossad fulse flag to give pol bad optics really glows glow nigger etc to ad nauseam

And just like that Buffalo Bill was labeled a white supremacist

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What pisses me off is the shooter was within driving distance of this motherfucker and he instead kills obese nogs that would have died of heart disease in a decade anyway

Not that they don’t want complete bans and confiscations, and not that niggers wouldn’t continue getting guns illegally, but the kind of gun safety education the people paying Brooklyn Dad pretend to call for would only make them more accurate and lethal. I am surrounded by idiots as usual.

Agreed. These scumbags need to take a brick to the head.

It does seem like a really flawed plan. If Whites are good at one thing, it's exterminating other races.
>"Oy vey, let's start a race war"
>Whites win
Many such cases.

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Is this were pic related came from?

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