Biden’s America

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the lengths women will go to to not breast feed are amazing.

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>has milk-producing tits
>lets micromutt starve because no goyslop formula
why are women like this? do women even know they can breastfeed?

The five weekbold baby is a tragedy. I don't know what to make of the five week old man though.

I remember people saying this was a nigger. Niggerchads.... I kneel....

>5 week old man

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call me a libtard all you want
there should not be high-speed chases for non-violent crimes.
once they got a good look at the make, model, and plate number they can just back off and track her down later when she thinks the coast is clear.

No one cares what you think, soft faggot.

too bad

lets take 5week old baby on a car trip to steal baby formula howmuch is baby juice anyway? like 4$? couldntve begged somone outside dangling your baby for 5$? besides the point why didnt the husband do the deed alone? gotta be fake but then again society as a whole is FUCKING RETARDED

high-speed chases are the best kind though

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Weird how cops dont chase the nigs literally looting stores with suitcases

when they're justified.
if somebody has committed a violent crime, then yes, the risk of a deadly car crash is worth it to mitigate the risk of them committing more violent crimes.

if somebody steals a bottle of baby formula, what are the risks?
is it worth a deadly car crash to make sure that somebody didn't make off with $20 worth of Wal-Mart's profit margins (and arresting them anyway later that night when they go home)?

She never deserved to live let alone have a kid

you go girl

>be businessman
>bribe doctors to push baby formula
>put adds that make it sound like the ultimat baby food
>working moms that put thier children in daycare must feed them formula
>the child is used to it and mom doesnt have to take time to breast feed anymore so she stops/never starts
>breasts stop producing milk because it asumes the baby is dead
>now the kid will die without formula and the parents are forced to buy it
other than in the case of medical conditons formula should be outlawed

That's exactly what they do where I live. Louisiana must just be governed by retards because a lot of business here have signs warning you'll be tracked by your license plate and served a citation for shoplifting.

Just mix milk and sugar, wtf is wrong with normies?

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Cops don't chase shoplifters.

>she stole baby formula
thanks, Biden!

>she crashed her car, her child and passengers are injured

>she somehow runs away and is tracked down and arrested later that night

so it's literally what they ended up doing anyway, except now 2 people are dead

>blames biden, and not crack

Some Gayrek user wrote once that Nestle did the same in Africa, they supplied Negress with free baby formula for several months long enough to make Negress tiddies barren. Then plague of famine started

She had a 5 week old baby and a 5 week old man?

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no, that's just america in general.

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She will not serve any time. They'll make sure the jury has as many nigger women on it as they can. Watch.

Do cops really just for that? For something so cheap you’d think they’d just tag your license plate and come to your home later

If you're a nigger they just let you go...
If you have a soul, zogbots will come burn your house down and say they didnt.
And shoot anyone trying to exit.

Fucking Trump!

The police didn't chase her because of the theft, they chased her because she was speeding far over the limit, making her a danger to the public. The police that engaged in the chase didn't even know about the theft at the time. She was simply panicked because Wal-Mart's rent-a-cops had confronted her when she tried leaving the store.

So why did she initiate that high speed chase then? Just stop the car, simple as.