Dead Internet

>only able to access few hundred results for any search on google despite "6 gorillion results found"
>all results link to mainstream media and stop at page 40
>you will never find some random site or forum's view about a broad topic
>more people on the internet than ever, but you are able to access less information than before
>half the internet is bots
>search for youtube video you like
>it's not in the results despite not being deleted
>the results are just unrelated promoted videos from mainstream channels
>see comment on youtube or facebook with "3,000 replies"
> it only shows you a couple of dozen and then nothing
It's over.
99.999% of users are participating in a shadowbanned internet purgatory that no one will ever see. 0.001% of content and comments get through the filter and that's all you and everyone else will ever see.

Oh yeah, and the fact that when you google this you get mainstream news articles about how this is a "conspiracy theory" proves that it's true.

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Haven't had a Dead Internet Theory thread in a while. Bump.

Yes Google needs to be broken up and the communication control it has regulated.

>on google
yea, no shit

spot on op have a you

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The internet is fucking shit these days. I'm sure everyone's noticed it.

Use any relatively known search engine and you will get the same thing
Yes, even yandex

On the upside, storage is so cheap these days that you might as well do something as hamfisted as run a caching proxy or an open source crawler seeded by whatever you visit, and then you can also use an open source indexer and search engine to find anything you've ever looked at before or things that are "near" to them.

IMDb messages boards were the best place to discuss movies and troll people. Arguing with retards that Inception isn't the best movie ever lasted me weeks. Nowadays, there's supposedly so many people on the internet yet the interactions are increasingly dull.

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Nah, this doesn't imply that the internet is "le died" idiot. It means the internet is just as small as we thought it was back in the early 00s... the exponential growth depicted since then was just bots and fake content. Big whoop. Changes nothing. Stop baiting idiots with this pleb fluff.

you wouldn't happen to know anything regarding this clip or the name of the tits, would you?

It partly does because there is a lot of censorship going on. I sometimes think about old controversial videos and people and try to search for them, and almost everything is gone.

>the internet is now people just screaming into the void
>"it's le not le dead le le le"
reddit alert
IMDB message boards were based, that's why it got the axe

It's sort of to be expected. You take away the good places on the internet, eventually people go outside.

There's also the panopticon effect. People express themselves less freely if they think they are being spied on, regardless of if someone is actually watching.

Any Forums is as bad as anywhere. You cant tell me that you've never noticed youtube recommends videos based on what threads you click on the blue boards. Any Forums sells your psych profile. It's their business model.


>It means the internet is just as small as we thought it was back in the early 00s... the exponential growth depicted since then was just bots and fake content.
Nobody is creating content for the general internet anymore. It’s all in the social media platforms like FB, Instagram, TikTok, etc.and you’re locked out of most of it unless you have an account.
And half of the content that does exist is computer generated pages created to monetize Google ads.

I remember before google you could buy a yellow "phone book" directory of web pages.

I post YouTube videos where I just say nigger I've done this on about 15 accounts now when they ban me I make another

I will not comply

censorship doesn't mean dead.

I've taken to playing bootleg video games on private servers, there's less "population" but they're all real people.

>the internet is now people just screaming into the void
i didn't say that you useless idiot. the internet is just not as 'big' as people want to think it is based on the baked numbers provided by kike owned media-tech studios

Searx is pretty good

Especially obvious if your reading habits include conspiracy or esoteric subject matter. Just last night I tried to find stuff written by TinyFairy regarding 9/11 just as a test. That lady was everywhere with any of the original 9/11 truthers content. NOTHING is left. In fact didn't see anything about the original group of truthers.

I think it's like 75% normies 25% bots. Normies are indistinguishable from a bot so I think there's a lot of false positives. All the normie city fags drinking fluoride and chlorine their entire lives posting shit with their smartphones 24/7 gives the illusion of this massive bot infested internet but really it's just a lot of normies getting led around by a smaller percentage of bots.

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>Nobody is creating content for the general internet anymore.
idiot: what is social media? what is msnbc, fox, reuters, twitter, nyt, huff, vic, et al?
its FAKE content. fake narratives, total rubbish and so many of the NPCs out there schlop that shit up, how do you think they all got vaccinated?

Yeah, this website is the last place that feels like the internet, and even this is fake. Its been a good ride. The internet is in its twilight.


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>And yet here he is, negating the point of his own posts by producing original content form me to call him a living contradiction.

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This has been true for almost a decade, information has been hidden more than ever and the internet such as it is now is largely a series of manipulating algorithms controlling populations and being run by priavte companies largely based out of silicon valley. Its my personal schitzo theory that some alien intelligence landed in California during the "LA UFO Incident" of the 1940s and slowly took over the direction of electronic media and consequently global culture.

If you do that you get arrested for hacking.