Tell me one thing that worths watching here

Tell me one thing that worths watching here

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Mindhunter was actually pretty good.

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I'm watching, not terrible, but not so good
Lesbian shit too

Its stock price fall.

The unsub is all i heard them say the whole fucking time. You watch 1 episode, you seen them all. They gather around all the fbi people and they each finish eachothers sentences while the autistic faggot solves the case.

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The crown is quite good. You can't say it isn't and be honest.

Lemme know when they stream Donnie Darko

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Black summer

better call saul and peaky blinders

NO, this shit was mind numbingly boring

It's filled with niggers

Nothingyou can’t pirate, faggot. If you need your kike propaganda so bad, at the very least don’t pay em for it

nothing, Hulu's got a lot of good shit though

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Star Trek Deep Space 9


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Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
all Studio Ghibli films
Stranger Things
Umbrella Academy
All of Us Are Dead
Alice in Borderland
Squid Game
Murder Mountain
Mr. Bean
Terrace House
Midnight Diner
Peep Show
The Platform
Taxi Driver
The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel
The Death of Stalin

Escape from Tel Aviv (2009)

An Egyptian movie about a woman who unknowingly married an Israeli spy. She tried to leave him when she found out but he kidnaps her. An Egyptian agent is then sent in to rescue her.

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Is the Waco mini-series still on there? If not, still watch Waco anons.

Um, hello, precog department?
Remember when Q said that 7/10 plane crashes were targeted kills

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That 70s show. Hello Winsconsin

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This movie was pretty based until they took it off.

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I can watch all that for free faggit

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Troll post. This show was written by a goddamn 7 year old. There is literally no story and the characters behave with zero logic. My GF made me finish watching it and I nearly broke the TV from the mind numbing stupidity. I hope you like completely empty dialogue with entire minutes of characters stating at nothing followed by main characters dying and/or turning on each other for no reason and showing no remorse followed by characters teaming up after trying to kill each other without a word between them. There is a scene where some guy and his tacticool group of like 20 men assault a house where one of the main characters is staying but there is no reason for it whatsoever. They don't even know each other and the team dwindles down to 2 guys afterwords and they accomplish nothing after attacking the house. They literally just leave after the fight empty handed. I am enraged I wasted so much time on this show.

never said you couldn't
he asked for things on netflix that are worth watching
also your computer fans rev up when you're not doing anything and your CPU goes to 100% and drops back down when you open task manager

Trailer park boys

I liked Manic more than I thought I would.

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Stargate SG-1. It's the only show I watch on netflix.

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Nothing, it's all on piratebay.

Ash vs Evil Dead


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Midnight Mass

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They recently added Monty Python’s Flying Circus as well as their movies and videos of live performances like Live at the Hollywood Bowl. I also enjoyed The Last Kingdom.

Everyone in this thread is now officially a NIGGGER

Already watched

There's actually a lot to watch on there.
One of the worst kinds of retards is this guy. The "Go woke go broke" brainlets.
Netflix prices have returned to the exact same level they were at in 2018 after FOUR YEARS of massive growth.
If you think they're hurting for know what you just do you. Experience tells me your kind are about as aware of their surroundings as goldfish.

everything, it's all fucking fantastic and woke af

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They had it many years ago when netflix streaming was a partner product to the dvd/bluray service. You know, when netflix was about entertainment and not licking leftist buttholes

Community is on there.

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Z Nation > Black Summer
Once they get over trying to take themselves too seriously in the first season it turns into a Zombieland style romp through the Zombie Apocalypse.

Devilman Crybaby