The New Big Bad Wolf?

Pol, who is the new enemy of the burbs ? I am far from the pulse of pop culture and havent seen a Harry Potter book burning in some time. Manson isnt on tour, so i am sure non are out saying no to satan pre show.
>Satanic Panic
>Harry Potter Book Burnings/Book Burnings
>Manson Protests

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Drag queen story hour

sigh. The fags not even provide good normy drama.

Never understood why Christians have so much hate for other people's happiness. What is the point, just let people be who they are, and what they want to be, God, doesn't give a shit, besides, It is not anybody's place to judge others.

I root for him but only because the fights some entiteld feminazi bitches.

Rock star or book will take my kids soul.

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If Republican's are soo against the "indoctrination and grooming of children" Why are they not up in arms and losing their minds about all of their obvious indoctrination of children into religion and the Bible's loads of references to rape, murder, adultery, incest and sodomy?

He’s a kiddie diddler

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It’s just overt now.

Living up north with a cute 12 year old would be a dream

After attending a private Christian uni, i found that every christers interpretation of the bible is according to the sects teachings. The Old Test is a history lesson and a book of promises. The New test is the promises coming true.

Compartmentalize or flat out ignore the ugly details. The Death Cult will do what it does.

GOP/MAGA hate the values of Jesus Christ. They're resentful of everything he stood for so maybe they shouldn't call themselves Christians anymore. Come up with another name for their cult

>Pol, who is the new enemy of the burbs ?
The burbs themselves.
They needed more diversity.

Time for this faggot to pay the toll

>t. jewish hands

>He’s a kiddie diddler

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100% they do ignore the teachings of Jesus. Much like the joos calling for Pilot to have JC killed. For now it seems Jesus is more or less a point in the past for neo christers. Its rather fun to watch what new strain of death cult pops up.

Not Mr Muffins !?

>all of their obvious indoctrination of children into religion
this is the part about them that makes me so furious
they piss and moan about "grooming" but they're grooming their kids into a life-denying death cult

Yes stop this mixture of POLITICS & RELIGION, ENOUGH!! And that man who threatened her on the voice mail must be front seat row at his church with bible in hand. SERIOUSLY?! What are those Pastors, Priests, Rabi’s, Deacons or whatever they are called, teaching there?? What BIBLE HAVE THEY READ?? Didnt they read the part about ALL GODS CHILDREN whether you are Gay, Lesbian or whatever they call those HUMAN BEINGS, or have light or dark skin color or born in another country but a USA Citizen now, WTH?? And WTH does Religion have in Politics? Isnt that why some time back the Politicians had the statue of the bible removed by a GOVERNMENT building?? “A Bible was removed from a monument outside a downtown courthouse. The action came after the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted its block of the judge's order in August to remove the Bible.” SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE PEOPLE!! What Many Churches WHO CHOSE TO FAVOR Politics and Preach it to overturn their parishioners to vote their way should be charged and must pay taxes, PERIOD!!

>capitalism has made it this way, old-fashioned fascism will take it away
MM is a NS agent provocateur.

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Isn’t it always funny …. Those who claim to forgive and love thy brother are always the first to cast the first stone . I’m reminded of a time after the civil war when god fearing Christians gathered to create the KKK . The preacher from Kansas who condemned the military for fighting wars to protect the rights of gays . And of course , those who refused to wear a mask or get vaccinated because the god they created forbid them to believe science . Lastly the kitty grabber, and loyal husband who was married 3 times and cheated on all his wives , paid off a porn star and proclaimed his moral beliefs …. Trump . . How is it that a group that does not pay taxes alway cross the line between church and state ?

>NS agent provocateur.