Why don't Germans respect Turks?

>Turk 27 years old
>Live in Stuttgart
>Have English girlfriend
>She likes Turks more than German or English ones
>My life is good, have good job and money
>Work in warehouse
>Grandfather REBUILT germany after war
>Yet Turks are still hated by Germans

Old boomers still look at me weird and still can't pronounce German names correctly. Sometimes they even say go back to Turkey.

Why are Germs racist?

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Nice flag.

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This thread again

cause most of your ilk don't work and live in ghettos

That flag is blasphemous and you should be ashamed

Why should we respect useless leeches who refuse to integrate? Fuck off back to Turkey, roach.

god damn it, how many times do you have to make this thread?

And also, nobody respects turks generally, not just germans

This is the first time I've ever made a thread

then how have i seen this copypasta six times already?

Russians are practially killing themselves over the privilege of going to Turkey, because going to the middle east is the best thing that could ever happen to a Russian.

Maybe like three years ago you saw a post similar to mine. Vodka messes with your memory Sergei

>Grandfather REBUILT germany after war
That's the problem. You guys think you own Germany. Germany was already built way before your grandfather arrived to make a low-pay job in a field that was already established by Germans.
That myth of "Turks built Germany" is a complete LIE, and you love these anti-White anti-German lies and support it for selfish reasons. The burden of having foreigners in our country that have the audacity to claim that "they built this country" is much much greater than the low pay jobs that your grandfathers did would compensate. Germany was also not in some kind of cave man status, the economic wonder happened way before the first immigrant from Turkey arrived. They came to get PAYED to do a certain job, they did not come to help le poor cavemen Germans out of their ruins.
Pic is Germany in 1952, way ahead of Turkey, and that's the reason Turks came to Germany, because the work and possibilities were much better in this economically rich wonderland. Rebuilt, already flourishing again.

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Not even the Turks respect other Turks

>Live in Stuttgart
why don't you just go back? why the fuck are so many roaches in krautland?

The Turk slowly tries to make his way to his computer. His extreme physical weight makes it much harder for him to navigate properly across the room's floor, littered with empty stelazine bottles and all kinds of German welfare papers. He sits in his run-down chair, which groans at the shock of his 300, extremely heavy pounds bearing down on it. As his computer boots up, the Turk picks up a dossier from the trash-littered floor and examines it. It's his trusty old manual made by the Turkish Jandarma Intelligence Organization, containing various instructions for debate with anti-Abrahamics in online forums. The Turk opens up his Internet Explorer, and searches Any Forums's Politically Incorrect for any thread that is remotely religion related. Suddenly, he remembers his mother's words. She always told him to become a coal miner like his father, Mehmet. "Please get a real job, little Turk. I'm begging you," she would say. But she just doesn't understand. She doesn't understand how utterly important it is to try and convince people on the internet to worship the God of a foreskin sacrifice cult. The Turk now begins to spam into the comment box for the 2,000th time "All I have on Christianity". After a short time of coordinating failed raids in his Discord server, the Turk is sweaty and frustrated yet again, like so often before. "W-Whiter than you!" he aggressively yells at his computer monitor. The Turk is so upset that he actually knocks his Holy Prepuce replica off his desk. The Turk sniffs his tears away and forces himself to calm down for a little while. "I'm sorry, Rabbi Christ," he says. The Turk then turns to his wall, which he has covered in Turkish flags and anime posters. In the midst of this most unholy mess is a framed picture with the words "Salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22" The Turk salutes his wall, and with a burning passion for Rabbi Christ in his heart, sitting in his mom's basement, he spams endlessly. "All I have on Christianity..."

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Germany was in a state of decay and destruction before Turkish immigrants saved you. We learned this in school

I'm not saying that people respect russians in any way but seriously, who would respect a turk?

Go home kanake

respect is something you have to earn.............
and only a little hand of did so far

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Already a new one eh, turkroach?
Last one was moved, let's see how long this takes.

This. Pic related.

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this thread was made two days ago

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My turn to post tomorrow