Washington pro baby killer slam pig jamboree hoedown livestream


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>Our abortions
They don't even believe black lives matter. Why the fuck would I?

its a color revolution. its so predictable at this point. makes me wonder if masks were all for their protests this entire time.

All of this shit recently has really reinforced to me how subhuman these people are, they froth at the mouth about killing babies

>Skim through
>It's all shit skins

Ask a pro-abortion woman if she can define "what is a woman", watch heads explode.

reminder these people purpetrated the SEATTLE INSURRECTION where they literally crated an autonomous zone and locked police inside a building they set on fire

Color revolution against who?

I find it ultracringe

They can't unify on a platform of women fighting for women, the woke mind virus takes over and makes them go "this would be more diverse and better if it was all niggers and spics."


>color revolution against who?
who is doing the color revolution? THEY are doing the color revolution.

>color revolution against who?
The color revolution is against whom?
The color revolution is against THEM.

Listening to this nigger bitch trying to read is hilarious

It's amazing, they really aren't human.

I'm apparently far too retarded to understand this


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Most women will tell you it is a biological woman. The vast majority of women do not buy into trans nonsense.


Made a thread on Any Forums, help me keep it bumped for further Any Forumslack up

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>33 watching

They truly want to make this whole abortion shit what is really not.
No one gives a single fuck about it, literally no one but they want us to believe the nation just got fractured by this none issue shit and the blue wave is coming to save Democrats.
Don't let them (fortify) this shit anymore or you'll just as fucking dead anyways

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Perfect example of why I'm an autistic Nazi shut-in that hasn't touched grass in years. I just can't stand being around most people. They're so brainwashed and disgusting.

>let us kill babies REEEEEEEEEEEE

>"what is a woman"
A pain in the ass...
A burden...
God's curse on all of mankind because Adam decided he was going to be a a little a whiny asshole who couldn't go it alone...

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>slam pig
lmfao Mr Carlin "weighed" in on this...
